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In the dead of night, Rain and Sky found themselves bound and gagged in a dimly lit room, the stench of fear thick in the air. They exchanged panicked glances, their hearts pounding with terror as they struggled against their restraints.

Footsteps echoed ominously in the darkness, and the door creaked open to reveal their captors - two masked figures cloaked in shadows, their eyes gleaming with malice. Rain's stomach churned with dread as he realized the horrors that awaited them.

With a sickening thud, Sky was thrown to the ground, his body trembling with fear as the masked men closed in on him. Rain could only watch in horror as they subjected Sky to unspeakable acts of violence, his cries of pain echoing off the walls.

Tears streamed down Rain's face as he prayed for salvation, his heart breaking with each agonized scream that tore through the night. But just when he thought all hope was lost, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps and a glimmer of hope ignited within him.

The door burst open, and Phayu and Prapai rushed into the room, their faces pale with shock and horror at the sight before them. Sky lay broken and battered on the floor, his spirit crushed by the brutality he had endured.

Prapai's heart shattered as he knelt beside Sky, his hands trembling as he reached out to comfort his beloved. "Sky, oh gods, what have they done to you?" he whispered, his voice choked with anguish.

But Sky remained silent, his eyes vacant and devoid of emotion as he stared blankly into the abyss. Prapai's heart broke at the sight of his lover's shattered spirit, his own tears mingling with the blood that stained Sky's broken body.

Meanwhile, the masked men turned their attention to Phayu, their eyes burning with sadistic glee as they demanded his obedience. Phayu's heart hammered in his chest as he struggled against his instincts, torn between his love for Rain and the overwhelming urge to protect him at any cost.

With a heavy heart, Phayu bowed his head in submission, his spirit crushed by the weight of his own sacrifice. He knew that by surrendering to their demands, he was betraying everything he stood for, but he could not bear to see Rain suffer any longer.

As the masked men loomed over him, Phayu closed his eyes and whispered a silent prayer for salvation, hoping against hope that somehow, they would find a way to escape the shadows of betrayal that threatened to consume them all.

As Prapai knelt beside Sky, his heart shattered into a million pieces at the sight of his beloved's broken state. Tears streamed down Prapai's cheeks as he gently cradled Sky's battered form, his hands trembling with anguish and desperation.

"Sky, my love," Prapai whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "You're not broken. You're not trash. You're the most beautiful, resilient person I've ever known."

But Sky remained silent, his eyes vacant as he stared into the abyss of his own despair. His voice was barely a whisper as he spoke, each word heavy with self-loathing and despair.

"No, Prapai," Sky muttered, his voice hollow and devoid of emotion. "I'm broken. I'm trash. I'm worthless."

Prapai's heart shattered at Sky's words, the pain of his lover's self-hatred cutting him to the core. He cupped Sky's face in his hands, his eyes pleading with him to see the truth.

"No, Sky, you're none of those things," Prapai insisted, his voice trembling with emotion. "You're brave. You're strong. You're worthy of love."

But Sky shook his head, his eyes brimming with tears as he pushed Prapai away. "No, Prapai, you don't understand," he whispered, his voice raw with anguish. "I'm tainted. I'm damaged beyond repair. I'm not worthy of your love."

Prapai's heart broke at Sky's words, his own tears mingling with the blood that stained Sky's broken body. He gathered Sky into his arms, holding him close as he whispered words of love and reassurance, determined to show him that he was worthy of love, no matter what.

Together, they clung to each other in the darkness, their love the only beacon of hope in a world consumed by shadows.

As Prapai held Sky close, whispering words of love and reassurance, Rain's heart burned with a fierce determination to protect his beloved. With trembling hands, he untied the ropes binding Sky, his touch gentle yet urgent as he tended to his wounds.

"Shh, it's okay, Sky," Rain murmured, his voice soft with compassion as he wiped away the tears that stained Sky's cheeks. "I've got you. I'll take care of you."

Sky clung to Rain, his body trembling with a mixture of pain and relief as he buried his face in Rain's chest. "Thank you, Rain," he whispered, his voice barely a whisper. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Meanwhile, Phayu and Prapai's fury boiled over as they confronted the masked figure who had inflicted such unspeakable pain upon Sky. With a ferocity born of love and righteous anger, they unleashed their pent-up rage upon him, raining down blows upon his battered form.

But in the midst of their fury, Phayu stumbled, his injured leg giving way beneath him. Pain shot through his body as he fell to the ground, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to regain his footing.

Prapai's heart clenched with fear as he rushed to Phayu's side, his hands trembling as he helped him to his feet. "Phayu, are you okay?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

Phayu gritted his teeth against the pain, his face contorted with determination as he nodded. "I'm fine," he insisted, his voice strained with effort. "We need to finish this."

With renewed resolve, Phayu and Prapai turned their attention back to their assailant, their blows raining down upon him with a relentless fury. And as they fought side by side, their love for each other burning brighter than ever, they knew that together, they would overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.

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