CH:17 ☠️

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3rd Person's POV:

"Where are both of you taking me?" Hyunjin asked while being dragged by both the brothers. "To the traitors den." Hyunjin's eyes widened. "Are you guys-" "Shh." Felix shushed him and he stopped, calculating the whole situation in his mind. 'So, Iseul is a divergent who is finding the traitors, and her own brothers are traitors but neither she knows about their secret and nor do they know about her. Shall I tell them? But I promised Iseul to work on her side and find them without revealing her identity to them. Gosh, this is so frustrating!'

He and the two boys entered the abandoned hallway and then in the last room. Felix opened the trapdoor and then they all climbed down. "So, this is your secret hiding spot? Cool." He looked around, noticing the some of the staff members from the other wings in the main hallway either talking to each other, going in and out of other rooms or eyeing him. 'Twice, DAY6, GOT7, ITZY, Interrogation and SKZ?' He looked at the labels of the room and remembered them.

The three went inside and he saw two more men inside. His eyes widened when he realized that the head trainer was there as well. "Welcome agent 0320, Hwang Hyunjin." Chan smirked and it made him recall Iseul's way of calling him 'agent', which he can't seem to remove from his mind for some reasons. "I guess Namjoon Hyung informed you guys. Because there is no way you got to know about me on your own." Hyunjin smirked and sat down on the seat layed in front of him.

"We and you both know why you are called here. So, are you ready to work with us and negotiate?" Chan skipped to the main part and Hyunjin nodded. "Well, this is what I am here for in the first place. I'm willing to work with you guys." They both shook their hands. "Welcome to the team." Hyunjin nodded. "One question though." Hyunjin said. "Have you guys found about who is the in-charge or the divergent here?" He asked and Chan shook his head.

"We have been finding them since Chankyu, the previous head has left, but they are good in hiding." Hyunjin nodded. "We and the other traitors are all on this search and you can help us in this as well." Hyunjin hummed. "Yeah, not big of a problem." He mumbled. 'If I told them about Iseul now, what could happen? But Iseul will be angry at me if I did anything without informing her. I know I am supposed to do what they ask me to, but doing some things on your own won't hurt, right? And this will give me reasons to talk with her.' He smirked internally but his thoughts were cut by Minho's voice.

"Are you onto something?" He looked at him. "No. Why?" Minho squinted his eyes. "What were you doing in Iseul's room?" Changbin and Chan also looked questioningly at him meanwhile Felix was throwing draggers at him since he saw him in the hallway. "Some work." Hyunjin shrugged. "She doesn't let anyone inside her room including me and Felix, except Chanmi, who only goes there when she needs her. But what were YOU doing there, for thirty fucking minutes?"

Hyunjin tried to laugh it off but stopped when he saw Minho's serious expression. "She was shot and refused to go to the North Wing for treatment, so I went to check on her. I did nothing funny but only treated her injuries, okay?" He confessed and Minho tilted his head. The serious expression from earlier was replaced by amusement. "And she let you do that? Aren't you a west winger? How did you even know about treating wounds?" He asked.

"Because I am a divergent, who was raised by two South wingers." Hyunjin replied, making all of their eyes widen. "You are a divergent?" Changbin questioned and Hyunjin nodded. "Told you earlier, divergents and traitors work together in our district." He shrugged. "And why did Iseul not question you?" Felix furrowed his eyebrows and mumbled lowly. "She did, but I told her my parents were from the South wing and my uncle was from the west wing, so I would watch and observe them, and they taught me as well how to treat gun wounds. Fortunately, she bought that."

"But you should be careful from now on. She is still very sharp and observant. She can still catch you. It seems to you that she completely bought that, but she must have not completely believed you and would keep an eye on you. Don't be too suspicious, she is smart." Chan warned and Hyunjin chuckled. "She indeed is." He mumbled to himself.

"But it still bugs me why did you even went to visit her in the first place. Are you guys that close?" Felix tilted his head questioningly. "She is kind and caring and when I got to know about that, I couldn't stop and went to visit her." Hyunjin reasoned, but the boy still looked at him suspiciously. "I will take a leave now." Hyunjin said and the other in the room nodded. Felix walked with him to escort him out.

"We will put your fingerprints on the lock soon, maybe tomorrow so that you can come here without any problem. It's a good thing that we have someone from the students also looking out for possible divergents and keep a watch on students as well, you know?" Felix finished and Hyunjin agreed with him. They reached the door and Felix opened it for him, Hyunjin stepped out, but Felix called out to him,

"But I will be keeping a special watch on you."

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