CH:21 ☠️

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3rd Person's POV:

Hyunjin walked down the hallway while thinking deeply. He was assigned to look for possible divergents but he is currently working with one. He entered his room and closed the door behind. He thanked heavens that he was a rank D as of now and didn't have any roommates. There is no roommate system for students in rank D, C1 and C2, as students were supposed to 'focus' on themselves and avoid any possible distractions.

He turned towards the bed and almost shitted himself in his pants when he saw the figure laying on his bed. "What are you doing here?" He asked and approached Iseul, who plopped her upper body up with the support of her elbows. "Didn't you asked me to meet you?" She had a smug look and tilted her head. "I did but not now." He glanced at the clock which read, 4:45 pm. "I clearly said 7, not this time." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Iseul stood up. "Do I look like I would do what you will tell me to?" She asked and took slow steps towards her. "Yes, because I am doing everything you ask me to." He glared. "No, you are not doing that." She scoffed. "How did the meeting with the traitors go?" She smirked and Hyunjin's eyes widened.

"How did you-" "When you left, I found it very suspicious, so I went to the CCTV room immediately and saw Jae, who was the in charge, leaving hurriedly. When he was out, I entered and saw you going through the south hallways, but you suddenly disappeared when you took a turn to that hallway. I saw Jae going there as well, and he disappeared too, just like you. Then I called Chanmi and told her to go there as well, when she turned in that specific hallway as well, I saw she wasn't visible as well, but she was standing in front of the camera." Iseul went back and plopped down on the bed.

"I understood that the CCTV was fabricated and there was something going on in that hallway. I drew three conclusions, first was, you were betraying and lying to me about this ally thingy, second, you were meeting with your fellow spies, and third, you have met the traitors and were going for a meeting." She tilted her head. "And your expression just gave it away. Now spill." She clicked her tongue and Hyunjin sighed, walking and sitting next to her, with his elbows on his thighs, supporting his upper body.

Iseul can't help but eye him and his side profile. "I did meet with the traitors." She snapped out of her daze. "Then why didn't you tell me?" "I was going to. Remember when I came to your room today and told you that I will explain everything to you? I was talking about this situation. I met the traitors yesterday only, after talking to you, but didn't get the chance to tell you. Today, I was thinking about to tell you, but this sudden meeting came up." He explained and Iseul nodded in understanding.

"So, who are they?" Hyunjin gulped. "Do you have an idea about them?" Iseul thought for a second. "I do. I think the Head of East wing and his general, they both are. I have seen during meetings how they will try to argue with Mr. Park for some certain things and they have always been suspicious to me. And I also think one of the doctors from the North wing, her name is Nayeon, she seems a bit suspicious to me as well."

"Anyone from this wing?" Hyunjin asked and Iseul sighed. "Don't want to admit, b-but-" She bit her lips. "I think it could be one or both of my brothers, including the head trainer." Hyunjin sighed loudly. "Well, you're not wrong." Iseul looked at him and tugged his arm. "W-What?" Hyunjin looked at her.

"Both of them. Both of your brothers are traitors, including the head trainer and Changbin from this wing." Iseul blinked, still processing. "No doubt why they would have 'too much' paperwork with each other." She sighed. "Anyone else?" Hyunjin nodded. "There are a lot. From North wing, Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Momo, Mina, Chaeyeong, Dahyun and Tzuyu, they call themselves, Twice. From East wing, JayB, Jackson, Mark, Youngjae, Bambam and Yugeom, they call themselves, GOT7. From South wing, it's Yeji, Lia, Yuna, Chaeryeong, they are called ITZY. Some of the head security guards are also part of them. They call themselves, DAY6, I only got to meet two, Jae and Wonpil."

Iseul was in a deep thought and was processing everything. She didn't want this bomb to drop on her like this. "You know what's disappointing?" She asked and Hyunjin shook his head. "I'm close friends with all of them. If they were going to do something like this together, then they should have also asked me." She pouted, sulkily. Hyunjin put his arm over her shoulder, "But you can still confront them, right? They are already searching for the divergents and since you are their leader, so my work will be easy now." He smiled widely.

Iseul slung his arm off her. "No. I will not confront them now. First of all, I'm going to be a pain in ass for them and you will be helping me in this." She threatened him. "And how exactly?" He asked, slowly pushing her pointy finger away from his face, afraid that she might poke his eyeballs out of anger and frustration.

Iseul smirked and fished her phone out of her pocket, calling someone. Hyunjin sighed seeing the device. "It's been a while since I have used this device in my hands. I miss my rectangle!" He huffed and Iseul raised a brow. "Rectangle?" She scowled. "This is what you call this device right?" He asked pointing at her phone. "This is called, phone, short for mobile phone." She told him and his eyebrows rose in amusement. 

"We call it a rectangle, short for rectangular extension back in our district." Iseul shook her head. "Are you guys from another district or planet? No wonder why spies from your district get caught here. They might blurt this, making others doubt them. If there are more spies, alert them about this." She warned him and he nodded.

Iseul put the device near her ear, waiting for the line to be picked up. "Hello, Chanmi?... Yeah. Call Jinyoung, Ryujin, Sana, Minghao, and Mingyu to our meeting room. Tell Minghao to fabricate the CCTVs it's currently 5 right now and I need everyone in the meeting room by 6.............. Yes, inform them too........... Okay. See you later." She hung up the phone and looked back at Hyunjin.

"Go and get ready, we are going for a meeting with the divergents here."

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