CH:40 ☠️

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3rd Person's POV:

"So, what actually happened?" She crossed her arms and stood in front of the closed entrance with Hyunjin. "Minghao Hyung informed us that Minho Hyung caught you because Hana snitched on you, and he forcefully dragged you with him. He told us that you said to send us to our rooms, but everyone didn't want to leave since none of us trust them. I told them that I can sneak inside because I know the password and then I went to the den immediately.

After going there, I realized that I was called to the meeting room as well by Minho but then it all went wrong when Changbin doubted me and caught me. So, I got caught as well." He explained to her, and she was looking at him with no expression but slightly squinted eyes. "So, you risked yourself for........ me?" She asked and Hyunjin blinked. He looked around, "how about we go and meet the others?"

"Finally, you're back!" Minghao hugged her while crying and Ryujin pulled him aside and looked worriedly at Iseul like a worried mother. "My baby! You all okay?" "But I'm older than you?" Iseul said but Ryujin glared so Iseul just nodded but then she was pulled to the side as well. "Iseul! We were so dead worried!" Both Seungmin and Jisung said and hugged her at the same time while trying to hide their tears which was flowing.

"ISEUL-AH!" Mingyu cried and Sana pushed him before he could say anything. "Tell me if they did anything to you, I would treat you with the best tech ever!" "I'm all good Unnie!" She was again pulled to the side where stood Minjee and Jeongin as well. "We are so sorry on behalf of Hana! We didn't know she would do something like this." Iseul nodded and let them hug her too while crying.

When they all were done, then her gaze landed on Chanmi, who was glaring at her. "Come on!" Iseul spread her arms expecting her to give her a hug, but instead received a smack on the head. "When Minghao said to run, why didn't you!" She shouted. "I was going to, but he came from the same hallway where I was going to run! That boy didn't tell me which hallway!" She blamed it all on him, who shook his head violently under Chanmi's stare. "Shut up!" She growled at him and then look back at Iseul with tears. "I was afraid and worried." "Aww." Iseul hugged her while chuckling, making others chuckle as well.

Jeongin sighed at the heart-warming scene but then looked at the door and jumped up with a loud shriek. They all got startled and looked at him. "What happened, Innie? You, okay?" Jinyoung asked and he slowly pointed at the door. They all turned their heads towards the door, only to see a chicken standing with two bags.

"Felix?" Hyunjin aggressively walked towards him and held him by the collar. "How did you come in? Who let you in?" He shouted at his face. But the boy only removed the Older's grip from his collar and dropped the bags then ran to his sister and engulfed her in a hug. Iseul sighed but patted his back, nonetheless. "Stop. Crying." She ordered but some sniffs were heard still. Mingyu took a step forward. "Can anyone explain what is going on? Please?"

"So, he is also-" Ryujin was still in shik shak shok, along with the others. "Yup. I am also a divergent who is working with the traitors and providing information to your previous leader and current leader way before Hyunjin came." He smiled while side eyeing Hyunjin. "What is in these bags?" Jinyoung asked him. "It has their belongings. It won't be safe for them to roam around out freely for a couple of days. I suggest they stay here for that time and then come outside."

"But what if the leader questioned Iseul's absence since she is a trainer?" Jisung asked and Felix smirked, "I got that covered as well." "And how?" Seungmin asked, not liking the look on his face. Felix heaved a deep sigh. "To find that out, I think the trainers and the students should leave to the outside of the base immediately since the show will begin soon." He stood up and they all did as well. "Rest well sister. Take care of her." Felix said to Iseul and then Hyunjin and went out, followed by the others.

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