CH:31 ☠️

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3rd Person's POV:

The divergents were glaring down at Hyunjin. "Why didn't you tell us that there was already someone to closely spy on her?" Chanmi crossed her arms. "Because I wasn't allowed to." He confessed and looked back at them, who were looking at him expressionless. He took a deep breath, "OKAY THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET AND HANA'S BROTHERS ARE HIGHLY PRTECTIVE OF HER AND THEY WANTED DOUBLE SECURITY FOR HER SO THEY SENT ME, EUNJI AND JEONGIN HERE SO WE CAN KEEP A CLOSE EYE ON HER! JEONGIN TASK WAS TO KEEP HER AWAY FROM THE OTHER SUSPICIOUS PEOPLE AND NOT LET HER TRUST ANYONE ELSE AND SO WAS EUNJI'S!"

He rambled and again looked up. From the looks he was receiving; he already knew what was coming. "Pfft-" They all started laughing again, making him roll his eyes. "Seriously guys? You guys freak me out all the time. Why are you all like this?" He whined and frowned, but then joined the laughter.

"It's just- it's so fun to mess with you-" Jisung laughed and literally threw himself on the one that was the closest to him, who happened to be- Iseul. The girl was laughing as well and didn't mind his leaning body on hers since the pair was quite good friends, but this made Hyunjin's smile falter and he pulled Jisung towards him, the others didn't notice this behavior except the smartest one- yes, Kim Seungmin.

He smirked but then shook his head. "Okay, so now shall we all get serious? Today's 'pull Hyunjin's leg' session is done." His statement made all of them quite down, but some snickers were heard. "I almost thought that you guys were mad." Hyunjin said and shoved Jisung away from him, who gave him a cheeky smile.

"Nah, this is understandable situation. We also have our own spies here and there. And since District 7 is just doing that to protect someone important to them, then we can cooperate with them." Hyunjin nodded and smiled at Iseul. "But we need to first get rid of this Rachael." Minjee chimed.

"She's right and I think we got this." Chanmi smirked and looked at Iseul who nodded, already knowing what was in her mind. "If anyone, then it is only the traitors who are capable of doing things in a legal but illegal way." Chanmi started. "Hyunjin?" The said boy perked his head and raised an eyebrow. "You will be informing them about this girl and talk to them. Tell them some other agent has informed you about her. I think Minho is also keeping a close eye on Hana and he may or may not have been noticed this. But anyways, this will be a win-win situation for us." Hyunjin nodded and got up from his seat.

"I think I should go and inform them now."

-------------- Present -----------------

Hyunjin pulled away from the hug with Chan. "Thank you, Hyung." He smiled and Chan smiled back. "No need to thank me. You've been a big help to us and we will be yours too." Hyunjin nodded.

"So, what shall we do with her?" Minho questioned. "My speculations are proven right as well." Chan sighed and he looked like he was in a deep thought. "Since she is an agent from district 3, then shall we try to connect to the traitors of that district?" He suggested. "I think we should. Wait here, I'll go and ask someone from GOT7, if they can contact them or not. It's been a long time since we have contacted them." Minho went out of the room and closed the door.

Chan and Changbin went to their respective seats and started to work one something. Felix casually walked up beside Hyunjin and sat down. "Have you ever liked someone?" This question caught Hyunjin off-guard. "Huh?" Felix glanced at him and them looked to the front. "Have you ever, liked someone?" Hyunjin blinked and looked to the front.

"Maybe?" "What does that mean?" Felix scowled. "I mean, I'm not sure. I think I've had some small crushes on some seniors and all, but I don't think it's long or strong enough to be identified as 'like'." Hyunjin shrugged, not even understanding what he was saying. "Why are you, out of all people are asking me? I thought you hated me?" Felix scoffed.

"I didn't hate you. Never ever. I was just annoyed of the fact that Iseul seems to trust you a lot." He put his hands inside his pockets. "Not like I mind though. But still, there is something going on inside her head and I'm just irritated that I can't seem to understand her or read her. It's like as the time passes, she is becoming more and more workaholic and closed off, especially from us, whom she called family." Felix looked deep in thought.

"She never did anything without consulting Chan Hyung. But there was an attack on an island, and he never got to know about it, until the new student's arrival was informed. She didn't even let him do the classification of students and did it on her own. Changbin Hyung told me she has been meeting with Mr. Park a lot nowadays since the day of her recovery. She used to have long chit-chats with us after duty times and we hung out on weekends after the classes as well, but she now never comes and when asked, just shrugs it off saying she has work. I can't understand, what kind of work?"

Hyunjin sighed knowing that she has been visiting the base a lot nowadays for work purposes a lot as they are planning to send a team soon to the island in search of Chankyu. "I don't wanna suspect her or something, but she is very closed off and suspicious now. She not even let us inside her room as well! And I was enraged when I got to know that she let a stranger, you, inside her room when she was shot! Not like you were a threat, but still." He slumped down and Hyunjin sighed, not knowing what to say.

"I don't know what to say about that." He said and Felix looked back at him. "Hyunjin?" Hyunjin hummed. "Can you help me?" He tilted his head, signaling him to continue. "Can you keep an eye on her? For me? For all of us? Please? I just don't want her to be associated with Mr. Park or any of his wrongdoings. Because in the end we all have to punish or kill those who are behind all of this, and I don't want her to be one of them."

Felix looked pleadingly at Hyunjin who gave him a small smile and nodded. "Will do that." Felix smiled and hugged him. "Thank you! Thank you, so much!" Hyunjin chuckled. "I think I should leave, now. It's getting late." Felix nodded enthusiastically and Hyunjin went out of the room, nodding at Jackson, who was coming inside the hideout, heading to his own meeting room, carrying something which might be useful for them finding and contacting the other district. He walked outside, sighing to himself.

"Why do everyone want me to keep an eye on everyone?"

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