chapter 15

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All three sat in the car on their way to the vacation house. The same slave that had brought Harry to the slave selling point riding them right now. Harry sat behind him and Louis on the other side, leaving Liam to sit up front. Music playing in the ears of the three boys, and the navigation system in the background so the driver knew which way they needed to go.

Louis has been looking outside the whole ride and hadden said anything while eating breakfast. And not while leaving, when the boys had asked if he had everything or if he was ready, he only nodded his head. Both of them knew it was a bad day, and it made both of them sad. They already informed Zayn and Niall, so they can prepare for it.

Liam and Harry have had a couple of little conversations and the only thing Louis could think of is how he wanted to talk with them. But somehow he can't, he can't get himself to talk. He knows it's a bad day, and he absolutely despites it, but he can't change it. He knows he is a burden to his friends. He knows they don't like it too. But he still is scared to go somewhere new, but he will not tell them.

Louis felt a gentle big hand being placed on his arm and put out his ears to look at Harry. "We are making a stop, are you coming inside with us?" His eyes were soft. And Louis wanted to drown in them and wanted to be in Harry's arms right now so badly, but he knew he couldn't. There was no way Harry could feel the same way as him. There was no way they could ever be something. But still he hoped so, his vision got a bit blurred, so he nodded his head and blinked a few times making the tears go away. Harry opened the door and stepped outside while keeping it open for Louis.

They walked into the gas station, all went to the bathroom. "So, I'm hungry so let's get snacks and maybe some coffee," Harry said while looking around. He saw a section with ships, and walked towards it. He looked over the different kinds of ships, he saw a familiar hand take a bag of ships right in front of him. "Don't tell me you like those ones," Harry said to Liam, fake disgust in his voice. Liam just laughed and went to the drink section. Harry started looking around to where Louis is, and found him standing at the place they were standing a few minutes ago. He was staring at a random place and his hand was tikking against his leg, his chest was going up and down a bit too clear and Harry decided to go up to him.

"Hey Lou, don't you want anything," he asked standing in front of the boy. He knew he would be embarrassed or even more sad if Harry had asked him about him zoning out. So he decided to ask this instead. Louis snapped out of his trance and looked at Harry with big eyes and slowly nodded his head. He felt his chest tighten even more and all noises were louder, the music in the background a group of teenagers yelling at each other, the beeping of the cashier. He felt a hand on his back and noticed he and Harry were walking to the chips section, and Louis loved ships but his stomach twitched at the thought of food. He felt like he was going to throw up, but not the kind like when you're sick, but the kind where it comes from anxiety.

He picked a sort of chips anyway and carefully handed it to Hary who took it with a smile and led them to where Liam was at the drink section. He still had the horrible feeling in his stomach and chest. He started to look over the different drinks and saw no sparkle zero ice tea and he thought that would be the best choice, it won't hurt his stomach as much.

He tried to take the bottle but couldn't reach, "I will get it," Harry said softly and easily took it from the cabinet and held it. He asked the others if they had everything and when he got too positive answers back he led Louis to the cashier and the others too. "That'll be everything?" the nice cashier asked and Harry nodded his head, softly rubbing Louis' back.

"That will be 20 euros and 75 cents please," the nice man said again. Harry paid and they left the building Harry still leading an overwhelmed Louis while Liam looked worriedly at the boy walking next to the driver. 

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