chapter 27

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Harry slowly walked up to Louis and sat himself next to him "You okay, you should've been downstairs for lunch half an hour ago," Harry said, he tried to keep his voice as neutral as possible but Louis felt the concern anyway and smiled softly nodding his head. "Yea sorry, got caught up in this stupid chore," Louis answered, and Harry laughed softly which made Louis smile and feel a bit calm inside again. Both of them wished they could sit in this comfortable silence forever, but also knew they couldn't. Harry just wanted to let his head fall upon Louis' shoulder when Louis' stomach let out a loud noise, indicating he was hungry.

Both of them laughed at the noice, "let's get some food in your stomach, no?" Harry said before standing up and handing Louis a hand to stand up, which he gladly took and jumped up right together with the power of Harry's strong long body. Once Louis was standing up upon his feet he hugged Harry tightly, needing the comfort of Harry as energy. Harry just hugged him back being happy with the positive attention he was getting from Louis. He rocked them back and forth, humming quietly while Louis held him tight and stroked his hand over his back.

They let go of each other and Harry led Louis downstairs while his hand rested on Louis' lower back. Once they walked in the living room Zayn and Leon were sitting there and even Liam was already there, "Niall's sleeping so," he explained like he could read Louis' thoughts. Louis nodded his head and sat himself on the opposite side of Zayn, next to Liam who was sitting at the head of the table. Harry took two of Zayn's specially made sandwiches and gave one to Louis, he then sat himself next to him and the others started a conversation about work. Harry was explaining what was said in his previous meetings, which Louis didn't understand anything from, he was using weird words and saying things he never heard of, but it seemed like the others did know what he was talking about since they asked relevant and deepgoing questions.

Liam was more in the background, he asked here and there small questions, but mostly was listening and Louis understood why, he was tired and probably wanted to go back to Niall but also needed to know this conversation. While Zayn and Leon were asking questions regularly and seemed to completely get everything Harry was talking about and Louis felt kind of jealous, it took him half an hour to discover that. Not of Zayn because he knew he always moved with Harry and talked with Liam a lot, but of Leon; how would he know everything, why can he talk about this so easily, why does he know more than Louis, and why does it seem like Harry likes him asking questions. Louis' head was bursting full of questions, he hated the fact he didn't understand it and that he wasn't getting Harry's attention, especially not since he needed it so much today.

After a lot more thinking and a lot more words which Louis didn't understand, a lot more questions from Leon and a small discussion, which harry seemed to ignore; everyone was done with eating, but the conversation was fully going on, Liam had excuse himself saying Niall probably woke up, so Louis decided to make himself useful and started taking everyone's boards, when he took Harry's he was looking at his face expecting a polite smile from Harry which he always gives when someone took his board, but he didn't get one. Louis grabbed the other boards and brought them to the sink, he washed them off and laid them beside the sink to dry. He walked back to the dinner room where he heard Harry's loud laugh mixed with the laugh of Leon and Zayn. Harry seemed genuinely happy and somehow it made Louis' chest feel heavy. He decided to just clear the table and put everything back in the fridge.

After he was done the three of them were still talking about work, in between the kitchen and the dinner room was a wall that stuck out a bit, he was standing half behind it so that they couldn't see him but he could see them. Harry was genuinely happy and Leon kept asking questions each time, lighting Harry's eyes up a bit before he replied with a small smile plastered on his face. Before Louis knew it there were soft tears streaming down his face, he quickly wiped them away with his sweater paw and walked upstairs to the library. He didn't want to waste time and started with placing the books in place, sorted by genre. He came across the book '755', he didn't know the book nor did he know which genre it was so he decided to google it, he took his phone out of his pocket, he wanted to type in his code but then saw the incredible cute picture of him and Harry; Niall had taken it the first evening they were here, it was the second time Louis and Harry had slept snuggled up together; the first time after Louis was sick.

Watching the picture the tears, that had never stopped streaming, started to flow harder. He shook his head and opened his phone to find which genre the book was, but when he didn't find it even after searching for 10 minutes he gave up. He started to think of other solutions; he could just lay it on the side and ask someone later, he could wait for everything to fit and place it where there still was some space, or he could ask Liam who probably knew the answer but he was still crying. After another five minutes of debating with himself whether or not to ask Liam, he had decided he would do it and that Liam wouldn't mind him commming in crying so that's exactly what he was going to do. He took the book back in his hands, he walked down the stairs and knocked on Liam's door, where he hoped the two would be, "come in," he heard softly, he opened the door and saw a sleeping Liam, to his surprise, and an awake Niall watching a movie who he just paused.

"Hey pal, I actually came to ask Liam a question but how are you feeling," Louis asked while closing the door behind him and looking curiously at Niall. "Feeling a bit better, and do you want me to wake him up," Niall answered back with a small smile. "Glad you're feeling better," Louis said, he gave a quick glance at Liam, "it would be nice yea, just for a moment," he said looking at Liam as if he was going to do a crime by letting him get woken up. "Li, wake up," Niall says softly while rubbing Liam's shoulder softly. Liam started to stir in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes, a smile was directly placed on his face once he saw Niall, Louis looked at the two with longing eyes not listening to what they were whispering to each other he wished that he and Harry could be like that. "What did you want to ask me," Liam suddenly asks, his voice on a normal volume, which brought Louis out of his transe. "uhm just if you knew which genre this book is," Louis asked shyly; it never went away, when he's with Niall alone he barely is shy anymore but once someone else is there he can get shy pretty easily.

After having a pretty long conversation between Niall and Liam, Louis had discovered that the book was a mix of many different genres but the most obvious one would be history, Louis thanked the two boys and told Niall to get better soon. He closed the door of Niall's room behind him, the tears finally going again since they had stopped while he looked at Niall and Liam discussing with love, only to now bring back the memories of Harry, Zayn and Leon just a few minutes ago. He heard the door opening and he quickly dried his tears hoping new ones wouldn't fall, "Louis," Harry soft voice sounded from behind him, but Louis refused to turn around he knew he wouldn't be able to hold his tears. "I know your crying, what's wrong," Harry asked, it was in his familiar worried voice that used to make Louis feel safe, only now it didn't, even if they weren't together, Louis felt betrayed; and on his bad days little things could break him, he would start and overthink everything and start to think bad about himself. 


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