chapter 29

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Louis whispered he would go work, Harry watched him going upstairs to the library. Once he saw Louis disappear, he walked back to his own office and took all his needed papers. He had all his papers, his phone, his laptop in his hands, he looked around scanning the room listing up all the things he needed. When he got everything he walked upstairs slowly to the library, once come up there he saw Louis with his hair already messy again, his cute eyes lost and red from crying. He sat himself on the little table and started working. Louis looked up and gave Harry a smile before going on with cleaning up. Both of them worked in silence, which helpt Harry a lot he could look up and see Louis whenever he wanted. But for Louis it was only a drop on a hot plate, he just wished he could be held by Harry.

Both of them had two hours of full focus, Louis was starting to get tired again. His arms felt heavy from all the books he was carrying and his mind was tired. The whole day he had in between, I'm okay and I'm not okay, and right now that was all too much. He was sad, upset, maybe angry or jealous, he didn't know it, but he knew that he wasn't feeling good. He knew Harry was in the room, and he wished he could hug him but a part of his brain resisted it. Somewhere he still felt that he needed to earn Harry's affection, that's what he had learned. Even when he still lived at home, he didn't have much memories about it but definitely some, if he would do his tasks when they were asked, when he did tasks without being asked; his parents gave him love, while when he forgot it they were mad. He can still see the look on his parents face when he had forgotten to unload the dishwasher, at the age of only six; it was the first time his parents had done something to him physically, and he would never forget that moment. He learned quickly to always do his job, and even a bit more, he learned that that was the way to get love.

Getting used to being a slave didn't help much either, in the beginning they forgave him some stuff and were nice to him when he did good things, but that changed often. He was never good enough and ended up being punished. He glanced at Harry, what if he turned that way; louis thought. What if someday he becomes like all the others. He reminded himself that it wouldn't happen, Harry wasn't like the others. He was genuinely nice, not only to him but to all the others even if they made a mistake sometimes.

Harry looked up to Louis, seeing that he was already looking at him. He gave him a soft smile, he stood up and went to Louis who was sitting on the ground before one of the book shelves. He looked at the bookshelves in aw, "You really did a lot, and I don't anyone has ever done it this good either," he whispered. Louis' eyes led up and whispered a thank you back looking at the bookshelves in pride. "I have to check up on Niall," Harry said, going with his fingers through his hair. Louis looked at him confused, Harry chuckled softly and sat himself beside Louis, leaning against the bookshelf so he had the perfect sight of him.

"I'm still the boss you know." a short pause where Louis let his head hang low. "Niall is one of my slaves, or workers it sounds better-" Harry's voice changed saying slave, he despised the word. "- So I need to check up on him," this time he said it more carefully, not to hurt Louis. "Not only because I'm his boss but also for the paperwork," he explained. Louis nodded, he knew it was true, but it didn't feel good today. Harry only gave him a small smile before leaving Louis alone in the library. He worked further and did the last few tasks in the library before he was done.

Louis' chest felt heavy, like something was blocking his airway which made it hard to breathe. He cleaned all the stuff he used for the library and checked what needed to happen next when he saw all the tasks were done and it was already pretty late he went to his room and laid himself on the bed

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