chapter 28

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"Louis pleas," Harry tried, but it didn't work. Louis kept his back towards him, but tears were falling down his face slowly. Harry walked up to him, Louis wanted to run away to run to the library and close the door, but he also wanted Harry to explain himself and to hold him. Harry stood in front of Louis while Louis kept his head down, looking at his own basic vans with opposite of it the brown boots that fit with Harry, only seeing the perfect combination made more tears run down Louis face. He bit his lip trying not to make any noise, Harry who couldn't see Louis' face, he knew the boy was crying somehow he had learned to read the boy while he didn't talk.

Harry took a step forward and wrapped his arms around Louis pushing him safely against his chest, and sust him slowly. Louis wanted to be strong, he wanted to show Harry he wasn't a crybaby and he didn't need him, which he knew was a complete lie, but he gave in after a few seconds. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, standing on his tippy toes. "Let it all go Lou," Harry whispered and on command Louis started to sob, he tried to speak through sobs but that didn't go very well but he tried, "I need to go back to the library." Harry sighed once he had made the sentence, "It's okay Louis," he said softly while stroking Louis back. Louis shook his head trying to get out of Harry's embrace, he still had a lot to do and, in his eyes, not enough time.

"Shhh it's fine Lou, please calm down first," he tried. He knew Louis was still stressed about getting punished and doing his work on time, but Harry couldn't care less, as long as Louis feels good and definitely isn't crying. "I'm not gonna let you work while I see you crying," he continued. Louis just clinged harder to Harry, he had a soft spot for Harry caring about him like it gave him the reassurance he needed when he got lost in his head. Like the sun that leads the way when you're lost in the woods, or an anchor that keeps the boat in his place; that feeling gave Harry caring about Louis to Louis.

Louis stays in Harry's arms longer than his head wants and shorter than his soul, when they finally break apart Louis' eyes are glued to the ground. Harry didn't want Louis to go back into the library like this, but he knew it would make Louis feel worse to let him go. He had seen that Louis wasn't feeling very good today, he didn't know why since he was happy this morning, but he knew that reorganizing the library was a lot of work and pissed most people off, that's why the tasks are mostly divided over multiple days or with two. But Niall being sick and Louis being his generous self, letting Liam stay the day with him made him need to do it all by himself. If Harry didn't have so much work to do, and such a big ego but he wouldn't ever admit that, he would've suggested to help Louis.

"Are you feeling a bit better?" Harry asked Louis, who seemed to be uncomfortable under the stare Harry had given him while thinking. Louis nodded his head, he was feeling better after Harry's hug, he always does, the warmth and smell of Harry always gave him the feeling of home and safety. But at the same time he wishes he just had some time for himself, to think about his feelings, to get the sight of Harry at lunch out of his head just some time to get a hold of himself. "Okay," Harry whispered, "If you want to you can go back to work, but if you don't please just rest for the rest of the day," Harry said softly, it broke him piece by piece too, he was teached since he was a little boy that no matter what a boss and a slave couldn't be together and much more stuff, he managed to filter out the other things since he never thought they were right but somehow he couldn't filter out that one thing. He was starting to really like Louis, and he didn't know what to do about it, he wanted to be near Louis at all times. He probably should talk with Liam about it, but he knew he couldn't right now and decided that he would sit in the library and work while he could keep an eye on Louis; and give himself the peace just being around Louis brings him, not that he would ever admit it to anyone. 


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