3 / Diagnosis

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They instantly gave us an appointment. We're here for the results and official diagnosis.

Doctor : ....
Andrea : Is it.......bad?
Doctor : Ma'am, I need you to stay strong. The process isn't going to be easy.
Mrs Cowell : What's wrong with him doctor?
Doctor : -sigh- He has Leukemia...

I knew my little brother had something but I didn't think it was this.......big.

Hearing a diagnosis like that stings. It's such a painful feeling I don't wish anyone to feel....

My mom instantly broke down.
My dad is trying to calm her down.
I froze, tears falling down my face but not knowing what to say.

Doctor : Could I talk to you for a bit?
Andrea : Yes....

I followed the doctor out into the hallway for a minute leaving my parents inside giving them a moment to calm down.

Doctor : I need you to be strong for your family. It's not going to be easy.
Andrea : Not at all...
Doctor : I'll be communicating with you the most. I'll be giving you instructions.
Andrea : Okay....
Doctor : He needs to start with chemotherapy as soon as possible. Would you like to talk to him alone? Or do you want me to do it? You tell me.
Andrea : How about you explain the situation to him. I'll be there for support.
Doctor : Yes of course we can do it that way if you'd like.
Andrea : Okay, I'll bring him in.

I went to the waiting area to get Nicolas. I grabbed his hand and led him into the room.

The doctor carefully explained his situation. I held him throughout the entire time. This is such a hard situation.

I never thought life was going to hit us this way....

After the talk, my parents and Nic went to the reception to set up the next appointment. I took a moment to head outside to calm down because I feel like I can't breathe...

I've been holding it in but I can't anymore.....

I leaned against the wall and started crying. The tears came bursting out of my eyes. I don't think I've ever cried this much....

Grayson : Andrea? Are you okay?
Andrea : ....
Grayson : Did something happen?
Andrea : My.......my little brother was diagnosed with.......Leukemia....
Grayson : I'm so sorry to hear that. The process will be hard but this is one of the best hospitals in the country. I know we'll do everything we can to help him. Just have hope and stay strong. I know you're a strong person. Your family will need you more than ever. If there's anything I can help you with, don't hesitate to ask.
Andrea : Thank you....

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