7 / The Divorce Papers

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The Next Morning
University Parking Lot

Tristan : Gabriela!!

I turned around and saw Tristan give me a signal from inside his car. I shrugged and walked over to him.

Gabriela : Yes?
Tristan : Here are the damn papers...
Gabriela : Oh you're quick. Good job! I'll be checking them. -walks away-
Tristan : Gabriela wait-

What the fuck is this woman up to?

Grayson's Office

Hospital Grayson's Office

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Grayson : Come in.
Andrea : -walks in- Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting. I know you're busy.
Grayson : No come in.
Andrea : -sits- I'm sorry for hanging up on you last night,
Grayson : Don't worry I completely understand. It's your relationship and I know it's not my place to get involved but I couldn't just stay quiet. I don't it's fair for you. You deserve to be treated right.
Andrea : Thank you, that's sweet of you. I panicked so I hung up. I'm really sorry. Please don't take it the wrong way....
Grayson : No don't worry.
Andrea : Are you sure you saw correctly?
Grayson : Yes Andrea I know what I saw.
Andrea : Okay....
Grayson : What are you going to do?
Andrea : I'm going to meet him later and confront him.
Grayson : I hope all goes well. Know your worth Andrea. You deserve nothing but the best.
Andrea : -smile- Thank you! I should get going now. I have to meet with Tristan. 
Grayson : Maybe we can have dinner tonight?
Andrea : Oh sure!
Grayson : Does seven work?
Andrea : Yes!
Grayson : Great! I'll pick you up.
Andrea : I'll see you tonight then.


I came to the library to print a copy of these papers. I need them for my plan.

Gage : Gabriela....
Gabriela : What do you want Gage?
Gage : I'm sorry for last night...
Gabriela : Uh huh
Gage : I'm sorry for everything. You don't know how much I regret....you know.......losing you.
Gabriela : Oh I know you regret it. You're never going to find someone better than me. You're not going to love anyone like you love me. Unfortunately for you, you've lost me.
Gage : There's no possibility of-
Gabriela : No! I don't take back what I threw away. -walks away-



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