6 / The Gala

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The Next Day
Andrea's Apartment

The Next Day Andrea's Apartment

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Andrea : -opens door- Oh hi! Come in!
Gabriela : -walks in- Are you alone?
Andrea : Yeah I just have Nic in his room. What's up? Would you like some coffee?
Gabriela : Sure!
Andrea : Great! Give me a sec.
Gabriela : How are things going?
Andrea : I'd say pretty good.
Gabriela : How was your date with Grayson?
Andrea : Girl no! It wasn't a date.
Gabriela : Are you sure?
Andrea : I don't know how Tristan showed up there.
Gabriela : And he made a jealousy scene?
Andrea : Yup
Gabriela : That's bullshit! If you two aren't together in public it's his fault.
Andrea : Yeah he says his wife is giving him problems. She wants as much money as possible.
Gabriela : Have you ever seen those papers?
Andrea : The divorce papers?
Gabriela : Yes
Andrea : No
Gabriela : How do you know he's actually in the divorce process?
Andrea : I trust him.
Gabriela : You should ask for them. I'm studying to be a lawyer. I can easily tell you if they're real.
Andrea : Hers's your coffee.
Gabriela : Thanks! I'm serious though.

I sat down without saying anything.
That has never crossed my mind before. I simply trust Tristan.

Andrea : I just......I can't ask him. He's going to think I don't trust him.
Gabriela : Remember what I said? Never trust anyone blindly!
Andrea : ....
Gabriela : I just want what's best for you.
Andrea : I appreciate that.
Gabriela : Do you see him today?
Andrea : No he says he has an event to go to.
Gabriela : Oh yeah the gala.
Andrea : How do you know?
Gabriela : Because I'm also going.
Andrea : You?
Gabriela : I'm going as a plus one.
Andrea : With who?
Gabriela : My boss.
Andrea : Wow look at you. Have fun.
Gabriela : Oh I will.

Mendel Mansion

Adelaide : Today is the gala! How exciting!! I'm going with Gage.
Mariah : I personally don't like going.
Adelaide : I don't either but I'm going with my boyfriend.
Tristan : You girls better be ready on time.
Adelaide : Yeah yeah we get it.
Mariah : -laugh-
Tristan : I'll head to work now.
Mariah : I'll see you tonight.
Tristan : -kiss- I love you.
Mariah : And I love you!


Audrey : Gray!
Grayson : What's up?
Audrey : Guess what?
Grayson : With you it can be anything.
Audrey : ....
Grayson : Tell me.
Audrey : The hospital got several invites to go to the charity gala. You and Breanna have been selected too.
Grayson : Nice! Are you going?
Audrey : My husband is invited and I'm going as his plus one.
Grayson : Nice nice.
Audrey : Will I see you there.
Grayson : Sure!

Mendel Enterprises
Tristan's Office

Tristan : -walks in- What are you doing here?
Gabriela : Let's talk!
Tristan : What do you want Gabriela?
Gabriela : Prove to Andrea you're getting divorced or I'll tell her otherwise.
Tristan : Stop getting in the middle of my relationship with Andrea!
Gabriela : You have no idea how much she loves you. It's not fair that you're playing with her.
Tristan : I'm not playing with her. I truly love her.
Gabriela : Then you're not in love with your wife.
Tristan : My situation is complicated.
Gabriela : Look Tristan, you have two options. Option one, get divorced for real! Option two, leave Andrea!
Tristan : ...
Gabriela : You have three days to show me you're actually in the divorce papers. I'll check if they're real. If not, I'll tell your wife you have a lover and I'll tell Andrea you're still with your wife. Remember, you have three days! -walks out-

Fucking Gabriela.....
I'm going to get back at you!!

Grayson's Office

Breanna : Are you going to the gala?Grayson : Yes are you?Breanna : Do you want to go together? As friends of course

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Breanna : Are you going to the gala?
Grayson : Yes are you?
Breanna : Do you want to go together? As friends of course. I want to go but I don't know anyone.
Grayson : Yeah we can go together. Although Jared and Steph are also going.
Breanna : Even better! We can hang out the four of us. It's been awhile.
Grayson : It sure has.
Breanna : What time will you pick me up?
Grayson : Around 5:15! It starts at six I believe.
Breanna : Okay! I'll be ready.


Adelaide : Gabriela? How did you sneak in?
Gabriela : I didn't sneak in. I came with my boyfriend.
Gage : Boyfriend?
Gabriela : Yes my boyfriend! Why? Are you shocked? You thought I wouldn't find someone better than you? Anyone in this gala is far better than you.
Adelaide : You're just jealous.
Gabriela : I already told you I'm not jealous. Gage, a mommy's boy. Very immature may I add. Trust me, there's nothing to be jealous about.
Adelaide : The fact you think your breakup was his fault.
Gabriela : He did me a favor. I really don't care! My future looks brighter now.
Adelaide : Brighter as in money and luxury? I'm assuming you've moved on to someone with money. That's the only way you'll rise up.
Gabriela : Watch me become a better lawyer than you. Watch me become better person in society than you!
Adelaide : In exchange of what? Selling yourself? That's what you're doing.
Gabriela : At least my man loves me. Unlike you, I'm not being used a rebound. Unlike your mother, I'm not being cheated on.
Adelaide : -slap- Stop!!
Tristan : Adelaide!! What are you doing?!
Adelaide : Just this bitch making up shit!! She's still going on saying you're cheating on my mom!
Mariah : What do you mean by still?
Gabriela : Oh you aren't aware your husband has an apartment with his lover?
Adelaide : He already proved me otherwise.
Gabriela : Whatever floats your boat. Bye bye! -walks away-
Mariah : Tristan-
Tristan : Leave her alone Adelaide!! She's doing all this shit show because you keep bothering her!!
Adelaide : But dad-
Tristan : I said leave her alone!!! -walks away-
Adelaide : Bullshit....
Mariah : Am I missing something?
Adelaide : No mom don't worry.
Mariah : Are you sure?
Adelaide : Mhm

Breanna : Oh wow! It's packed!
Grayson : Yes all kind of wealthy people come here.
Breanna : Is this your first time?
Grayson : I came last year.
Breanna : Oh nice.

Mariah : Tristan.
Tristan : Yes love?
Mariah : What's going on?
Tristan : Just Gabriela making up some shit to piss off Adelaide. You know those two can't stand each other.
Mariah : Oh I see....
Tristan : You know I love you right?
Mariah : -kiss- I don't doubt that one bit.

What the hell?
Isn't that Andrea's boyfriend?

Grayson : Audrey! You know everyone right?
Audrey : Who do you want information on?
Grayson : That guy over there in the navy blue suit. That's Tristan Mendel correct?
Audrey : Yes
Grayson : And his wife?
Audrey : Yes
Grayson : Do you know if they're in the divorce process or if they're having problems?
Audrey : Not that I know of. They get along just great.
Grayson : Well then...
Audrey : Why?
Grayson : Just......

I stepped outside for a minute. I have something to do...

-phone call-

Andrea : Hello?
Grayson : I'm sorry to bother you. I hope you're not busy.
Andrea : No I'm just watching a movie with Nic. What's up?
Grayson : So I came to the gala. Have you heard of it?
Andrea : Yes my boyfriend attended.
Grayson : About that......Andrea?
Andrea : Yeah?
Grayson : He's here with his wife. I saw them kiss.
Andrea : ....

To be continued......

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