5 / Threats

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The Next Morning

Andrea : Gabriela!!!
Gabriela : Woah.
Andrea : How did you find my apartment?
Gabriela : What are you talking about?
Andrea : So it wasn't you who told Adelaide about that apartment?
Gabriela : No
Andrea : Gab don't lie to me.
Gabriela : I'm not! Where is this coming from?!
Andrea : Adelaide showed up at our apartment.
Gabriela : Were you guys-
Andrea : No because he made up a whole lie that she bought. Now he blames me for her showing up there.
Gabriela : Oh what a fucking asshole.
Andrea : She claims you told her.
Gabriela : I did not.
Andrea : If you say so....
Grayson : Andrea?
Andrea : Hey! What are you doing here?
Grayson : I want to invite you out for some coffee. If you'd like of course.
Andrea : Oh sure! I want you to meet my best friend Gabriela. This is doctor Grayson Molina. He came to check on my little brother. Remember?
Gabriela : Yes I remember. Nice to meet you!
Grayson : The pleasure is mutual.
Gabriela : I'll be on my way. Have fun you guys. -walks away-
Grayson : Come on then. We'll go in my car.
Andrea : Okay.

Tristan : Gabriela.
Gabriela : Oh you're Adelaide's father correct?
Tristan : Yes we met at the school event.
Gabriela : What can I help you with?
Tristan : Tell me, did you tell Adelaide about mine and Andrea's apartment?
Gabriela : I did.
Tristan : Why?!
Gabriela : One, tell her to leave me the fuck alone!! Two, either you treat my friend as she deserves or I'll tell her the truth!! And Adelaide and your wife! Don't think I don't know you went on a trip with your wife. Andrea thinks it was a business trip correct?
Tristan : ....
Gabriela : That's what I thought.
Tristan : I'll talk to Adelaide.
Gabriela : You better get divorced and marry Andrea if you don't want to lose her. Don't think you're the only one who's into her.
Tristan : What's that supposed to mean?!
Gabriela : There's a hot doctor who's into her. They're together having some coffee as we speak.
Tristan : Where?
Gabriela : I don't know.
Tristan : .....
Gabriela : Well Tristan, you tell your daughter to stay out of my way and I'll keep quiet. Yes?
Tristan : I'll talk to her.
Gabriela : Good. -walks away-

Coffee Shop

Grayson : How you been?
Andrea : It's been hard. Watching him suffer is hard.
Grayson : It's such a painful process. You have to stay strong though. So far things are going well.
Andrea : Yeah, I have hope he'll get through this.
Grayson : He will! You'll see! He's strong!
Andrea : Thank you for supporting him. He tells me all about you.
Grayson : Oh really?
Andrea : Haha yeah! He says you're the nicest doctor he has ever met.
Grayson : He's a bright kid. I'll keep supporting him as much as I can.
Andrea : You see kids everyday right? Since you're a pediatrician.
Grayson : I do! I love kids.
Andrea : Aw I do too! Do you have any?
Grayson : No but I do wish to have some one day.
Andrea : I'm sure you will.
Grayson : -laugh- That day looks far.
Andrea : Why do you think that?
Grayson : Well, I don't have a girlfriend.
Andrea : Oh wow! That's surprising.
Grayson : You think?
Andrea : You're really kind. I figured you'd have one.
Grayson : I did but we broke up recently.
Andrea : Oh I'm sorry to hear that.
Grayson : You have a boyfriend right?
Andrea : Yes....
Grayson : I hope he doesn't have a problem with this.
Andrea : Who cares! I'm mad at him right now actually.
Grayson : Is Andrea feisty?
Andrea : -laugh- I rarely get mad but when I do I do.
Grayson : I shall be careful then.
Andrea : You're sweet so I doubt how you could ever make me mad.
Tristan : Babe.

Oh my god he scared me! I was not expecting to see him here at all.

He wrapped his arm around me and leaned down to kiss me.

Andrea : What are you doing here?
Tristan : I was driving by when I spotted you.
Andrea : This is Grayson Molina. He's the doctor that has been checking in on my little brother. This is-
Tristan : Her boyfriend!
Grayson : Nice to meet you.
Tristan : Is this a meeting or-
Andrea : Grayson and I are friends. He invited me out for some coffee.
Grayson : I had a great time with you but my shift starts soon. I'll be leaving now. I'll see you around.
Andrea : Thank you for coffee!
Grayson : Of course! -walks away-

Tristan sat down across from me with a pissed look.

Tristan : What the fuck are you doing?!
Andrea : Don't talk to me like that.
Tristan : Answer my question!
Andrea : I was out with a friend. Problem?
Tristan : Yes actually! You're not single Andrea! It's not right to hang out with male friends!
Andrea : And who do I hang out with? You? You hate being out in public with me because of your situation!
Tristan : You said you'd be patient with me.
Andrea : Don't you think I'm going to get tired of this at some point? I see absolutely no progress in your divorce.
Tristan : I know and I apologize for that. As I keep telling you, my wife has been giving me a headache but babe please be patient with me.
Andrea : ....
Tristan : I'm sorry for yesterday. I shouldn't have blamed you.
Andrea : How long is this going to take?
Tristan : I just need you to trust me. I'll find a way.
Andrea : Okay....
Tristan : I love you.
Andrea : I love you too.


Adelaide : Gabriela!!
Gabriela : Yes?
Adelaide : -slap- You fucking liar!! How dare you make up such a lie!
Gabriela : Oh let me guess. Your dad sold you a lie.
Adelaide : No it's you who lied about everything!!
Gabriela : You want proof? I'll give you proof!! -walks away-

To be continued....

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