Part 12

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Two days ago...

"You both know the plan?" I check, glancing around the door to see Mo and JJ as I change into black cargos and a sports bra. I don't want a T-shirt to hinder what is about to happen. "Your plan is insane. You are going to get us all killed," JJ hissed, making me sigh as I walked back into the room, moving my shoulder in a circle as I tested how it was going to hold up. Should it be out of the sling? No. Should I do what I am about to do with it in the state it's currently in? Absolutely not. Am I going to do it anyway? Heck yeah, I am.

"Do you have a better one?" I snark, giving up on trying to braid my hair and instead throwing it all into a bun; no need to aggravate my shoulder more than I am about to. Silence is the only thing I get back, and a smug smile forms on my face as I turn to face them both. I'm not surprised Mo is silent; the only time he talks is when he's standing up for JJ. And there is nothing more satisfying than rendering JJ to silence. Junior is a fighter, and JJ is thinking, almost always using his mouth to get him out of trouble. So it's great to hear nothing coming out of his mouth right now.

"Mo, you know what you have to do, don't you?" I check, knowing that his job is the most important; he is in charge of keeping TJ safe, after all. Nothing matters if TJ isn't kept safe throughout this all. The only reason I am here is to make sure I keep him safe. If it weren't for TJ, I wouldn't have bothered coming; I would have taken my chances with Junior and called it a day.

But I can't risk Junior finding out about TJ.

After everything I have done and all the work I have put in to get out of this life, I can't let TJ anywhere near it. I might have wanted out, but I need to have TJ away from this life.

"Yes," Mo gruffs after glancing at JJ, who is pacing around nervously. Honestly, they are not subtle at all. I don't know why they continue to pretend they're not together. Since I met Mo when I was eighteen, it has been obvious that JJ loved him, and Mo loved him more. So why they continue to act like closeted love-sick puppies around me is beyond me.

"Tell me, I need to know that you know it," I order, pushing every thought out of my brain as I focus on what I am about to do. Now is not the time for my brain to be filled with a billion thoughts, which is how my brain functions ninety-nine per cent of the time. Right now, I need total clarity. One thing matters, and one thing only: I need to make sure I don't let Junior win so I can keep TJ safe.

"I leave when you guys do, but I head straight to the docks once I drop you guys there. I'll leave the car for JJ once you guys are finished. I walk the rest of the way to the docks, making sure no one sees me. I take the boat to the mainland, and then I get a commercial flight to LA. I stay in a hotel close to TJ, Scarlett and the rest of your family, but I do nothing. JJ will call me on Sunday night, depending on what happens. If everything goes our way, I will wait there until you come home, and once you are back, I will come home. No need for TJ to even know I was there. If you get hurt, I will wait until midday on Monday and then get TJ from the studio. I speak to no one, but if they don't let me take him, I will hand your letter to someone called Taylor, you guarantee that she will be there. She is allowed to come with me as long as she flies us back here using her private plane. I will make sure her pilot lands on the private airfield, and JJ will be there waiting to bring us all to you. If you get yourself killed, I see Harvey Specter. Once I tell him, I will go to Scarlett's house on Sunday night and give her the letter you wrote. I watch her read it and then give her all of Harvet's information. I don't talk to anyone but those two people and leave TJ with them. If that happens, it becomes my job to make sure TJ is safe from Junior for life. I will die before anything happens to TJ. Simples," Mo repeats, making me hum as I nod, satisfied that he knows the plan.

"Well, I hope you are ready for the last option because Jo is going to get herself killed," JJ hisses, making me sigh as I shoot him the billionth glare since I landed. It's very clear that JJ hates my plan. Which I don't understand. Because if this goes wrong, it's me that is going to die. Not him. He is so dramatic it's comical. "I'm not going to die. Stop saying that I am. You don't have a plan, and I do. This is our best shot. You have no idea how to stop Junior. This is the only way I think I can. So, until you have a better idea, get on board because I am doing this for you. I left my life in LA. I let my son, my whole world, to come bail you out! So stop saying I am going to die, gilipollas," I hiss at him, pushing him out of my way as I move to wrap my hands.

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