The fight

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Matilda's P.O.V.

“I caught nothing and you can all thank these idiots for it.” I declare stomping into the camp ground and pointing at my helpful hunting partners. Their farther is off some ways trying to fix the wheel while Tilley and Jane both seem like they're trying not to laugh.

 “What?” I growl placing my hands on my hips and involuntarily stomping a foot. .

 They don’t answer.

“Fine, don’t tell me!” I yell throwing my hands up in exasperation. That seems to send them into a fit of laughter. Hmmm? Spinning quick on my heel I turn to see Garrett mimicking my movements in an over dramatic girly way. The corner of his mouth twitches as he tries to keep a straight face.

“Immature,” I say dryly.

 “Fun killer,” he speaks through laughter.

 “You act like a child

 “And is there something wrong with that?” he smirks following me.

“Yes! There is plenty wrong with that!” I state heading for the tent.

“Care to elaborate?” he asks sincerely. By now I have reached the tent, and I want him gone.

“No. But if you insist on behaving like one, I most definitely will treat you so.”

“Be my guest, I enjoy being babied.” 

 “Well then, excuse me while I change my clothes. I wouldn’t want to ruin your innocent child like mind with images of my body.” I say snatching the tent flap closed. But before closing the tent, I can’t help but notice he seemed more than intrigued by my comment.

I change into more comfortable clothing than the dirty palace dress I've been wearing. I packed this just incase the journey would take longer than needed. It was just a loose red blouse and black pants that went to the middle of my shins. It was a little odd considering I was a girl but I wasn’t going to let that stop me. Hanging a dagger around my waste with a rope, I walk out of the tent. Tillie gives me a disgusted look but decides to keep her mouth shut. Where to? Where to? I think putting my red hair ,that is to my elbows, into a ponytail.

“Where is your sister?” I ask Nate.

 “You dress like a man.” He replies giving me the once over.

“Where is your sister?” I repeat ignoring his comment.

“Over there.” He says pointing to a river, still eyeing me.

I walk to the river and kick a rock in it to get Jane’s attention. She glances up then goes back to washing clothes in the water. Sighing I bend down and start to wash some clothes too. I'm struggling because I’ve never washed anything in my life. Living in the castle everyone just does it for me. She obviously notices my endeavor and sighs snatching the clothes from me.

“You’ll put a whole in that at the rate your going.” She bluntly states.

“Well do you mind teaching me?” I ask as politely as is possible for me.

 She stops for a few minutes just staring at the water, “You’ve never washed clothes?” She practically whispers.

 “Um no.”

She looks over at me. Glancing at my hands. She noticed there are no calluses and they're probably as soft as feathers. She looks at my face and her eyes seemed to cloud with anger.

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