Great. Were all gonna die

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this chapter is dedicated to my first two fans (u guys know who u are ... i hope) Thanks for still reading this and sticking with my story, means a lot to me XD!!! Now for the story!!!!  By the way, this chapter is pretty darn fun, if i must say so myself. ;D

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            I wake to the scents and sounds of the bustling people outside the inn. Sitting up slowly it takes me a while to realize where I am. The sack that I'm in is worn out and ratty, so is the rest of this building. The floor is caked in dirt and looks as if it's never been swept in its entire crummy existence. Grunting I make my way to the single window in the room.

 “Morning!” Jane greets on the other side of the window.

“Uh-mornin” I cough choking back a startled cry. Ever since Matilda talked to her, it seems like she’s taken a sudden interest in me. The attention makes me dislike her more and more by the minute though.

“Well hurry up and help us setup so we can sell our food.”

 “Oh alright then.”

 Awkward scilence.

 “Uh- wake up Matilda while you’re at it.” She states then goes back to wherever she came from.

 This’ll be fun.

Squatting down I whisper Matilda's name close to her ear.

“mmmm” her delicate body stirs in reply. She looked so benign huddled in the sleeping bag. Her red hair drapes over her face and gently caresses her heart shaped face. Without thinking I brush her cheek with my hand, trying to move a loose strand of hair. Her eyes snap open revealing shocked hazel eyes.

 “What do you think you’re doing?” she viciously inquires.

“Chill princess just waking you up.” I answer. Not showing how embarrassed I feel from being caught.

“You should hope that’s all you were doing.” She growls eyeing me closely.

 “Promise. Now hurry up Jane needs you outside.”

 Grabbing the flap of the sleeping bag she hurls it over her head crashing back down into her pillow making an attempt to go back to bed.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you princess.” I warn.

Fake snoring noises coming from the princess fill the room.

Chuckling under my breath I pinch her sides and begin to tickle her like crazy. If this works she’ll be up and moving in no time. If it doesn’t . . . I don't even want to think about that . . .

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To my delight she giggles! The noise is contagious and soon I'm in a fit of laughter while tickling her. She attempts to punch me as hard as possible but ends up using the punching hand for grasping her stomach as she doubles over in laughter.

“Stop! Pl-Please St-Stop! She pleads between gasps for air.

“Promise you’ll wake up?”


 And with that the tickling ceases.

“I would hurt you now. But besides the fact that I can’t seem to catch my breath, that was actually quite fun.” She says breathing hard on the floor.

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