Chapter 14

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Matilda's P.O.V.

“Omph.” I mumble as someone sits atop my tummy.

“So she’s alive!” a voice I recognize as Giddy’s  says from the weight crushing me.

“Yes, I’m alive and if you don’t mind I’d like to continue breathing.” I mumble lifting her off my stomach and attempting to go back to sleep.

“Matti! It’s past noon! At this rate you’ll sleep till night fall.” Giddy announces stomping her tiny foot.


And with that I stumble out of bed and pull on a quick outfit. I was supposed to meet every one to look for the sword by noon!

            “Why in such a rush?”

            “Big kid stuff.”

            “As in like…” She stops looks around then whispers into my ear “k-i-s-s-n-g?”

            “Uhhhh no…”



“What exactly do you think big kids do?”

“Well mommy told me…”

And with that I grab her arm and head to the designated rendezvous as she tells me of the things she dreams big kids do when they get together.

“There she is!” Olivia yells jumping up running in my direction.

“Ok, and I must confess I spilled the beans about the sword to Grace…” Olivia says when she gets to me.


“Well she’s the closest thing I have to family, and it just didn’t feel right keeping this kind of thing a secret from her! I mean I could practically die in the process! And I know she doesn’t seem like much help, but trust me, she can be tough when she chooses to act it.”

“Alright I guess, but no more people!”

“What about her?”


“Her!” Olivia says pointing at Giddy who is now running around Paul and James screaming nonsense.

“Oh….I’m sure she’ll come in handy sometime soon.”

We walk up to the rest of the group, and make our plan.

Garrett and Giddy will search the upstairs and private parts of the castle where Giddy can easily lie and say she’s playing hide and seek. Paul and Jane will check outside, James and Olivia shall interrogate people, and Grace and I are to check the main floor of the castle.

“Meet back here when the sun starts setting, got that!”

“Yes ma’m!” They answer in unison.

“Don’t get caught.”

 And with that we're off.

Paul's P.O.V.

After just five minutes of being near Jane, I’ve decided she’s an odd one. I’m not sure whether it’s a good odd or not but she’s just…peculiar. One minute she’s splashing through the mud giggling like a little girl, and the next she’s complaining about how filthy she is.

“Do you like Matilda?” she asks holding her skirts up and grimacing at the sludge we've just walked through to get to the back of the castle.

Apparently she doesn’t beat around the bush either.

“What does this have to do with finding a sword?” I reply utterly bored.

“Nothing at all, it’d just be nice to know.”

No comment.

“Well since you do, I’ll have you know I think you have some competition with Ga-.”

“I never said I liked her!”

“You never said you didn’t either…why do you like her?”

“I don’t like her.” I say letting out a deep sigh. She eyes me wearily, trying to decide whether or not what I told her is the truth.

“But you did like her….?”

“I guess.”


“Why must you know!” I ask starting to get annoyed.


“Why what!”

“Why are you mad I’m asking you why I want to know why you had a crush on her?” she inquires with a serious face.

I turn my head sideways giving her an incredulous look.

“I guess I liked her cause when I was younger she just seemed…different.”

“Different how?”

“Must you always ask questions like a silly little toddler?”

“Yes, yes I must, now go on.”

“She was just different. She took a liking to things other girls didn’t like, and I found that odd and intriguing. So I guess my little six-year-old self couldn’t help but like her. Plus she was always beautiful.”

“But you don’t like her anymore?”

After coming here it seems like her and Garrett are just meant to be. They’re both to stubborn to realize it, but it’ll definitely come to pass. And who am I to get in between that? 

“Yeah…Yeah I don’t think I like her anymore.”

“Yay!” She yelps then does a little jig in the sludge.

“You’re an odd one Jane.” I chuckle shaking my head.

“Is that bad?”

“Nope, Not at all. Remember I like different.” I tell her smirking and picking up my pace, leaving her to decipher what that means.


YAY! i decided to kick Paul out of the love circle cause he would just get in the way ._. , and scuze this being short and all but the next chapter is intense and long so this just had to go up on its own! Hands down the fastest chapter I have ever edited!

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