Ask Laven

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Here is the first Question done by Fernwillow. How did you two start dating?

Allen sat there pondering the day as a smile appeared on his lips. I remember it was on valentine's day. It was actually very cute. See I woke up to a black rose at my door step with a note attached on it. It was a clue that lead to many others. I think there was twelve total. Anyway I followed all of the clues and eventually it lead to Lavi. On one knee holding a white rose. He said the cutest pick up line as too." Allen said before he was interrupted by Lavi.

"I know our worlds are full of black, but won't you be my white rose and bright up our days. Allen will you be my Valentine?" Lavi completely for him. Allen just rolled his eyes at his egearness.

"Yes, that was the line. Well anyway there you have it. After he asked me out we went out on a date together. It was a simple shopping date but I got this bracelet Lavi bought for me. I haven't taking off since." Allen said with a soft smile as he looked at the charm bracelet on his right wrist.

"Aw you are so cute! You're my little snowflake!" Lavi said before he kissed him quickly. Thus caused Allen to blush and he looked down at his feet fiddling with the bracelet. "Make sure to ask us more questions about us. Oh or dares too. I like to see some of those." Lavi said with a smile.

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