Ask Laven: Moyashi-Kun06

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"Welcome back to ask Laven!" Allen said as he leaned against Lavi with a smile. "Today we are answering Moyashi-Kun06's question. They want to know what our favourite book/s or book genre is." Allen continued.

"For me, I try to stay away from anything historical when I read for fun. I also love action pack books!" Lavi said as he was smiling with his huge grin.

Allen only shook his head, "Of course you do, you need something to keep that short attention span of yours." Allen said teasingly as he knew full well that when Lavi wanted to focus he did. He remembered times when he could barely get the other to speak while he was in the middle of the book. "For me, it's harder to say, I am sure you guys know this but I am not very good at reading. Lavi is actually helping me read better, I mean Mana never really taught me how to read much. And we were only together for five years so that isn't much time to learn either. I don't know if I have a favorite book, but I do love fairy tales. I know they are kind of girly but they give me hope in a way. It makes me think that everything will turn out alright in the end, just like in the books. I know it sounds dumb." Allen said as he then yelped in surprise as he felt himself get tugged to the right.

Lavi had pulled Allen into a tight hug as he thought what he said was the cutest thing ever and could resist hugging the other. "You're so cute~" Lavi said as he snuggled into Allen.

Allen only looked annoyed with him as he grabbed onto some of his shirt, a blush forming on his face. "Lavi! Don't do that!" Allen said but made no protest to pull away from him.

Lavi continued to snuggle into Allen as he had a happy smile on his face. "See you guys next time!~" Lavi said as he remembered they were still answering a question but went back to snuggling Allen after.

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