Ask Laven: AllenBookman

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"So the next thing is what is my favorite thing about Allen asked by AllenBookman." Lavi sat down and started to think trying to pinpoint the one thing he loved about Allen the most. He found it hard to do, not because he didn't have any but that he had to many.

"Well I don't think I can answer that so I guess I will just ramble until I find something worthy of an answer. There are so many things that someone can love about Allen. You can be simple and say you love his heart, or his understanding of everyone. You can go to his heart and say that you love his hair scar and arm, because I know he hates them though he won't admit to me. I could start talking about how wherever he is hope follows or how he just seemed to bring the human out of me again. I can talk about his flaws, like how stubborn he is or his dark side when he plays poker, or when he loses himself to his anger. There are so many wonderful things about Allen. I don't know if I will ever to pick just on. I could go on forever and ever thinking of things I love about my little snowflake but think about it know I think I know my answer. The one thing I love most about Allen is that no matter how hurt he is, no matter how slim his chances are, no matter whatever blocks his way he never gives up. It's like he is forever walking simply walking over what gets in his way. So I hoped that answered your question because Allen deserves the attention he never got when he was younger to feel special and wanted and I will give him just that." Lavi said with a proud smile.

"Lavi? Are you coming the cafeteria will be opening soon and I am starving!" Allen said excitedly. Lavi chuckled, "I will be right there." He said as he stood up. "Until next time.~" Lavi said as he left with Allen.  

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