Ask Laven: DGrayManGirl

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Ask Laven: DGrayManGirl

"Welcome back to Ask Laven, today we got an interesting question from DGrayManGirl!" Allen said happily. "You asked us about Halloween, we don't go outside or anything but the order throws a party where everyone dresses up. Kanda, Lavi and I made a bet and this time Kanda lost! So he went as Rapunzel, Lavi helped by braided his hair...I think that's the only time he didn't get in trouble for it. Lavi wanted us to go as one of those couple costume things so I let him talk me into keeping the Disney theme. And we went as princesses as well..." Allen said the last sentence just above a whisper. As he then mumbled something about Lavi just wanting to see him in a dress again.

Lavi wrapped his arm around him happily as he took over, "I went as of course Anna!" Lavi said happily, "And Allen went as Elsa! The only bad part was that I couldn't kiss him all night, it would be weird since we were dressed up as sisters. We even got Lena-lady to join us, She went as Mulan because of how badass she is!" Lavi said getting excited about it. "What are we going to do this year Snowflake?" Lavi asked him.

Allen just raised an eyebrow at him, "You're serious? Lavi, Halloween isn't for another seven months." Allen told him, "we have plenty of time to figure it out."

"Seven months and eighteen days!" Lavi corrected.

Allen just rolled his eyes, "Halloween is one of his favorite holidays. He keeps track of how many days there are all year long. And makes a point of telling me whenever it gets brought up." Allen said as a smile was clearly present on his face. Lavi was odd but he was his oddball and he loved him for who he was, besides a day is never boring with him around.

"Anyway~ To next time!" Lavi said happily as he waved goodbye.

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