Chapter 2: Questions

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Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek those answers that continues to give meaning to life. You can spend your life wallowing in despair, wondering why you were the one who was led towards the road strewn with pain, or you can be grateful that you are strong enough to survive it. - J.D. Stroube

About 30 minutes after I found Sasha dead, police and medics came. I watched as they put her dead body on the stretcher. I can't believe I found a dead body. When was she killed? How long was she in the bathroom stall? Who was she with before then? Who...who killed her? Everyone who knew Sasha was brought in for questioning. I wasn't looking forward to it. It's not that I have anything to hide, it's just I don't think I'd be very much help since I was nothing but a perfect target for bullying to Sasha.

"What's your name, sweetheart?"

I remained quiet as usual. All I did was look in the detective's eyes.

"Ok, we'll start off with the basics. I'm Detective Fields. Now, you tell me your name."

I don't know why I couldn't speak. I'm not at school or at home. This should be my time to finally speak.

"Ok. Let's just get right into it. How did you know Sasha?"

Silence. That's all that was going on. Nothing but silence.

"Sweetheart, I am gonna need you to speak so we can figure out what happened to Sasha. All we know is that she was killed at school and you were the one who found her."

The image couldn't escape my brain. I found her. Could it have been someone else's dead body I found? Or could it have been my body? If it was my body, would I have been found sooner or later. My money is on later. I doubt anyone at this school would care if someone found my body in the bathroom with my throat slit.

"We went through Sasha's phone, and saw she got a text saying she's a liar and has until the end of lunch to tell the truth."

That would explain why she had 'liar' written on the wall.

"Do you know what the lie was?"

I shook my head.

"Look, I understand this is traumatizing for you. Finding a dead body is never a walk in the park."

I'm surprised the detective hasn't lost his cool yet. I've been a speechless rat for most of my life.

"How about this? If we find new evidence or any clue whatsoever that might help us find Sasha's killer, I'll speak to you personally. You probably don't feel like talking in a police station."

I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. So I shut my mouth and just nodded. I walked out and the first thing that happened was Heather pouncing on me like a lion finding his prey.

"You bitch! You killed her!"

Heather started hitting me and it took all her friends and 3 police officers to get her off me.

"You killed Sasha! I know you did!"

"Heather, calm down." Emma said.

"She was the one who found her." Jake said.

"Exactly! She was the one who found her. She killed Sasha and pretended to find the body and act all innocent. But she's not. I'll prove that you killed her, you freak!"

Heather walked out of the station and her friends followed her. The only one who stayed was Jake.

"Are you ok?"

I wiped my nose and saw blood. I grabbed my bag and walked out. I heard Jake follow after me.

"Wait! Hold on!"

Jake grabbed my shoulder, stopping me.

"At least let me take you home."

I gave Jake a cautious look.

"It's dark and cold. And for all we know, the person who killed Sasha could be walking down the street right this minute."

I still looked at Jake cautiously.


For some reason, the pleading look in Jake's eyes made me nod. And next thing I know, I'm in Jake Denvers' car. I put my earbuds in and blast it all the way. I pull out my notebook and start writing.

"Where do you live?"

I didn't answer. Instead I turned on Jake's GPS and typed in my address.

"Ok. Huh. I didn't know you live right next to me."

I was so busy minding my own business that I didn't realize we lived next to each other. Huh, I guess I don't pay attention to other people either. I grabbed my stuff and headed towards my house. I saw Jake watching me enter my house. Was he the killer and watching his next victim, or was he making sure I was safe? The first thing I saw was my father on the couch, watching TV, and had a can of beer in his hand.

"Where the fuck were you?"

Hi to you too, Dad. I ignored him and grabbed a can of Ginger Ale from the fridge.

"Little bitch."

I heard my father snicker and mumbled under his breath. He thinks I don't hear him, but I do. I hear everything. I hear all the things he says about me, I hear what he says to his buddies, and I hear all the sex happening in his room. Makes me glad I have earbuds. After I crack open the Ginger Ale, I take out the white box that was also in the fridge and set a candle on it. I take out the photo I have of my mother in my phone case, set it beside the cake, and light up the candle.

"Happy birthday, Mom."

April 17th was my mother's birthday, it was also the day she gave birth to me, and also the day she died giving birth to me. I lean in closer to the candle, bright and hot. I feel a single hot tear run down my cheek.

"And happy fucking birthday to me."

I blow out the candle, take the cake and go upstairs.

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