Chapter 18: Let's Play A Game

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There's a difference between fair game and playing games - Hillary Clinton

"You know something, South? I just wanted to kill you and get it over with. But I thought, why not turn it into a game? 16 students have secrets, and I'm gonna expose them all."

"Not if the police stop you."

"And how exactly are the police gonna stop me, mmm? So, let's play a game. Let's play Truth or Dare."

"But it's just us, and frankly the game will be boring if it's just us 2."

"Exactly. Which is why I'm gonna invite another player."

Jason then took out a phone, my phone.

"I'm gonna text Jake and tell him to come here."

"He won't come here, not without the police."

"I know, which is why I'm gonna say that you're safe and you have something important to tell him."

I watched Jason press buttons and heard it be sent. I really hope Jake is smart enough to have some sort of plan.

20 minutes later

I arrived at the location I got from South. To be honest, I was suspicious of this place. It was an old warehouse. Why would she pick this place? I walked in and the first thing I saw was South tied up and gagged. Before I had time to react, I was tackled down by someone.

"Surprise, bitch!"

Jason was on top of me. I soon felt something pinch my arm. I looked to my left arm and saw a syringe in me. I began to quickly become tired as I heard Jason laugh. It wasn't long until I closed my eyes. The last thing I saw was South screaming. I don't know if it was at Jason, or for me to stay awake. I opened my eyes and saw that I was tied up like South. I saw that she was all bruised and bloody. She had bruises on her arms and legs, and a clean cut on her left cheek. The blood was dry, her clothes were dirty, and her eyes were red and puffy from crying so much. Her flannel was open and I saw a bruise on her rib. I couldn't even think about the things this guy's done to her. Jason then walked in.

"Jake, Jake, Jake. I can see why you let this girl jerk you off, she's such a beauty."

Jason then started to put his hands on South's shoulders.

"Don't touch her, you son of a bitch!"

"Easy there, killer. I haven't done anything to her...yet."

"How did you get Heather to agree to this?" Jake asked.

"The girl is obsessed with you. She would literally become an accessory to crime. Do you know how easy it was for her to isolate South from the crowd? All I had to do was say some bullshit about you and South fucking and she jumped on the opportunity to get revenge on her. Now, enough with the whole origin story crap, let's play. The game is simple, I pick whoever goes first and you have two options, truth or dare. Pick truth, and you have to tell the truth. The catch is, the question will cause you to tell your deepest secret. The one you planned to take to the grave. Pick dare, and I'll dare you to something that may or may not cause you pain. So, who will go first?"

Jason looked at us as Jake and I were tied up and forced to look at each other. I just want this nightmare to end.

"Since I'm a complete gentleman, ladies first. South, truth or dare?"

"I'm not playing your sick game."

"Play, or Jake dies right here and now."

Jason pointed a gun at Jake's head. If Jake died because of me, I wouldn't forgive myself.

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