N: Natsuki/Sayori -Doki Doki Literature Club

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TW: Implied Depression/Suicidal ideology, implied homophobia and abusive parent.

She rests her head against her locker, taking a few deep breaths in a vain attempt to clear the fuzziness from her mind.

It feels like a losing battle.

With another deep breath, Sayori opens her locker as the despair creeps in closer. She can't break down. Not here.

A paper falls out of her locker, fluttering peacefully to the ground, a feather in the storm of her mind and emotions as she watches it fall.

With shaking hands, she opens the note, a poem from one of her fellow club members. 

The writing is familiar, Natsuki's she thinks, as she scans the contents.


Natsuki ducks behind a corner to avoid Sayori's sweeping gaze, heart thundering in her chest.

She'd seen the way that the other girl's mental health began to decline. She didn't hide it as well as she thought she did and Natsuki has learned to read the change of emotions at the drop of a hat since her mother had died.

Natsuki shakes her head, trying not to think about him right now, trying not to think about how mad he'd be if he found out she had a crush on a girl.

Natsuki brushes her bangs out of her eyes, peeking around the corner to see Sayori reading the poem, hands shaking, eyes teary as she reads.

Natsuki had seen her friend fawning after her neighbor for years, constantly ignored, written off no more than annoying childhood friend, a girl no one needed to pay attention to.

She had seen how the constant rejections from him pushed her farther into her despair, causing her to avoid everyone, alone in the back of the class, staring out a window in hopes of catching a stray ray of sunshine.

Not even the birds seemed to pay her any mind.

Natsuki had seen as Sayori was cast aside from everyone, had seen her eyes darken, her shoulders slump as if she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Natsuki had seen and felt and loved and decided she needed to do something to show this brilliant girl, who hid her pain behind her watery smiles, how wonderful she was.

So she wrote a poem, hoping her metaphor of the beach will be understandable enough, that Sayori would know and understand that someone out there loved her, even if she never knew who.

She deserved that after all.

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