V: Vision/Wanda -Marvel

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TW: Major Character Death

"We have plenty of time!" she shouts, grabbing his hand in a desperate attempt to drag him to safety.

The battle wages on around them, shouting and screaming from all directions.

The air smells of smoke and the sickeningly sweet scent of lightning as it strikes the ground again and again.

Vision shakes his head, sorrow and regret lining his face as he pulls her into a hug. 

There aren't enough words to describe the way he feels for her, how he feels in that exact moment, but he knows his time has come and he has to show her in some way.

He pulls her into a kiss and her heart shatters when she feels his tears mixing with her own, the kiss salty.

"Please," she whispers as they pull apart, still desperately clinging to one another.

"You have to kill me."


"He cannot get all of the stones," Vision tries.

"I can't!"

"You can," he whispers, pressing his forehead against hers, wiping the tears a way with shaky fingers.

He didn't know he could feel such insurmountable sorrow.

"Please," she whispers again.

There are thundering steps behind them. 

Thanos was approaching.

"You have to do it now."

"I can't!"

He just smiles, slow and sad and bows his head toward her.

Her fingers grip the stone and with a shout, she uses her magic to destroy it. "I love you," she whispers through her sobs.

"And I you, but we both knew we were never going to make it."

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