Z: Zoro/Luffy -One Piece

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"Wow," Nami whispers, eyeing the sword curiously. 

It looked pretty expensive. Maybe she could make a pretty penny off of it.

She leans forward to get a closer look, trying to figure out how much she could make when Luffy comes barreling towards them, clearly excited about something.

He bumps into Zoro, causing the older man to stumble, the sword tumbling out of his hand.

"No!" he shouts, reaching over to attempt to catch it as it flips over the railing and falling into the ocean below.

Zoro's face turns red in anger, whirling towards Luffy who was already gone.

A second later there's a splash and Zoro looks over the side to find Luffy sinking under the water in an attempt to grab his sword.

A pit forms in his stomach, fear causing his heart to race as he recalls Luffy telling him that he couldn't swim, that the fruit he'd eaten as a child had forced him to sink as soon as he was in the water.

"Stay here," he shouts at Nami, diving in after Luffy, fear causing his strokes to propel him further, faster in the water.

He wraps his arms around the man, swimming, with much more effort than should be necessary, towards the surface.

He's gasping for breath by the time he reaches the rungs on the side of their ship, puffing as he keeps an arm wrapped around Luffy.

He's angry.

Yeah, he's a little angry at Luffy for bumping into him, making him lose his sword, precious as it was, but he's more angry that Luffy dove in after it, knowing that he'd probably not come back up.

What was the plan?

What was he going to do after jumping into the water, even after he'd gotten the sword?

Was he planning on throwing it back onto the ship and sinking?

He probably would do that, a giant smile on his face and everything.

Zoro climbs over the railing, leaning Luffy against it as he takes a couple really deep breaths, trying to catch his breath and calm his anger before he explodes on Luffy.

He didn't realize how much the captain meant to him until he almost lost him.

For a sword, nonetheless.

"How could you be so reckless?!" Zoro shouts to which Luffy just chuckles, brushing his hair out of his face. Zoro huffs, even more angry at the chuckle. "Why would you do that?"

"For your sword, duh."

"The sword isn't worth your life!" Zoro shouts, trying to drill this into Luffy's head.

Kiuna wouldn't have wanted that.

No one's life is worth a sword.

Luffy merely smiles, the expression serving to only make Zoro more irate as Luffy seemed to have little to no concern for his own life.

Zoro pinches the bridge of his nose, frustrated until Nami laughs, remind him that she's there.

He looks up to find Luffy presenting him with a sword, a shit eating grin on his face and all of Zoro's anger disappears.

He can't help but join in their laughing.

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