X: Xander/Spike -Buffy The Vampire Slayer

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TW: Major Character Death

He stared at the vial in his hands, biting his lip anxiously.

What if it didn't work?

He wanted to surprise his boyfriend, to come home with a human life span ahead of him, a promise of an end to his long, suffering existence on this wretched Earth that humans loved so much.

There is a box in his pocket, a heavy reminder of everything he has to lose should everything go south, but a promise of a bright future ahead of him should everything turn out alright in the end.

Spike takes a sharp breath, more as a calming gesture than anything else, and takes a shot of the cure, feeling the magic work through him.


Spike bursts through the doors, entirely out of breath, chest puffing dangerously as he looks around, eyes wide as he takes in the sight in front of him.

The cure had worked.

He was human.

He had all of five seconds to appreciate it before Buffy was calling him frantically, asking for assistance.

The fight had passed by in a blur, a hive of vampires with egos entirely too big to fit into their cozy little town, too cocky to believe they could be slain by the scooby gang.

There was some blood, an incredible amount of pain that came with a broken wrist, and some exhaustion. 

Everyone was so caught up in their own fights, no one realized when he had slowed down and that was what caused their great downfall.

Of course the vampires were swiftly taken care of, but one had gotten away, had taken Xander off into the darkness of their cave system.

Heart pulsating, almost beating out of his chest dangerously, Spike took off after them.

His breaths rushed out of him, chest puffing, sweat pouring down his face profusely, eyes teary. He couldn't lose him.

If he lost Xander because he took the cure he would forever hate himself. If Xander died because he tried to surprise him, he wouldn't know what to do with himself. This would be his fault.

Buffy comes racing around the corner behind him, shouting at him to duck as she launches a spike into the vampire's heart.

Spike stumbles to a halt, catching his breath as he presses a hand into Xander's wound, tears springing to his eyes as he begs whatever gods there could be, whatever could possibly listen, to save him, to make sure he doesn't die.


The words are muffled, but Spike hears them nonetheless.

Tears burn his cheeks as he attempts, failing miserably, to hold back his sobs.

"Something's different," Xander chokes, blood spilling past his lips as he takes a couple sharp, ragged breaths. Spike smiles sadly, leaning into the hand Xander traces along the side of his face. "You're human."

"What!" Buffy shouts, turning briefly towards them, eyes only briefly leaving the hall behind them, scouting for more enemies. "That's impossible."

The two men ignore her shout as Spike ducks his head, sorrow dragging his shoulders forward, a barely whispered yes the only noise in the room.

"I took the cure, hoping to live my life with you, a human life."

Xander smiles, tears tracing through the mud on his cheek as he gasps. "That's sweet."

Spike stares at him for a moment, praying in his head, hoping someone would hear him, would save his beloved from death, an unfair death at that.

"Spike—" Xander starts, taking a moment to cough. "I want you to continue to live-"

"What!? No. Not without you here!"

"Spike, please. Listen."

Spike pauses, taking a sharp, teary breath as he holds Xander's hand in a tight grip, shaking like a leaf.

"You didn't get to live your human life very long. You died in war and then spent your entire vampire life fighting and locked in dank places. Please-" he coughs, gasping. "Please, live the rest of your human life. For me."

A sob escapes him, a sharp rattling breath as he laughs, nodding in agreeance. 

"Thank you," Xander whispers, hand falling from Spike's face, light dulling, fading from his eyes.

Spike shouts, the sound guttural and painful as he leans forward, head resting on the body of his beloved as Buffy tries to console him.


Spike takes a deep, shuddering breath, trying to reign in his sorrow.

He'd done so much to have this moment with his beloved, but if he can't be here with him, then he might as well be here for him.

With one last, deep breath, Spike opens the door, stepping into the beginning of a new life.

For the first time in a long time, stepping into the sunshine and the wonderous future it brings.

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