Q: Quackity/Karl/Sapnap

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Sapnap needs a break. While he loves his best friends, dearly, it was exhausting being around them all the time, a constant third wheel.

He started to get lonely. He couldn't blame them, of course. They just wanted to spend their honeymoon together and he was just going crazy.

It was obvious that Dream started to feel a little guilty, so he bought Sapnap a week long cruise, his mother taking the responsibility of watching Patches.

Sapnap was more than a little grateful when he reaches his room, the door swinging open.

He's only moderately surprised to find that there are two beds in the room. He figures he got a bargain cruise, which makes sense. Dream had blown so much money on the wedding and George's money went towards their honeymoon.

He'd be surprised if they had any money left when they got back.

Sapnap couldn't complain though. He got to do all the rich, expensive stuff for free.

After placing his bags beside one of the beds, he decides to go for a swim.


Quackity needed to get away from his family.

He loved them, of course, but sometimes they just drove him crazy. 

Currently, he was on summer break, finally able to relax from the grueling classwork that came with law school.

It was summer and he was a broke college student who needed time away from his family, so be bought a discounted room, the extra cool shit he could do as an added bonus, and he left for a cruise.

When he arrives on the ship and gets to his room, he's only mildly surprised to find that there are two beds, one with someone's bags already open on top.

It was a discounted room after all.

He isn't too bothered by the fact, but he decides that he really does want the bed by the window, tossing the other person's clothes across the room onto the other bed, not at all bothered to take care of it in a nice way.


Sapnap gets back from the pool, hair dripping water down his neck, a smile gracing his face, a blush dusting his cheeks as he remembers the attractive brunette, Karl, he'd met at the pool.

The guys was kind, taking his flirty comments in stride.

The door to his room swings open and the bubbly feeling starts to dissipate when he finds another man lying on his bed.

The bubbly feeling gives way to anger as he stomps over to the guy, smacking him in the face with a pillow, shouting at him.

"I wanted the bed, so I took it," the guy says, voice bored as he yawned and rolled over.

"Get off. I was here first."

"I was here first. What are we, first graders?" the man shouted back.

Sapnap's face heated in his anger, hands trembling in barely contained rage as he fists the man's jacket. 

"Get off!"

The other man looks startled for only a moment before anger overtakes him and he storms out of the room, leaving Sapnap to stew in his own thoughts.


"I'm going out, don't wait up," Sapnap calls, sarcastic as ever.

Quackity's blood boiled.

He hated that man with every fiber of his being. 

After their initial fight, they rarely talked to one another, usually opting to stay in silence if they were unfortunate enough to be in the room at the same time.

"Whatever. I won't be here when you get back," Quackity shouts back, at least attempting to keep his temper under wraps. 

They only had a couple of days left of this cruise. He only had to deal with Sapnap for few hours at most. He could make it. 

In the meantime, he'd at least try to be a bit cordial.

Sapnap steps out of the bathroom, a button up and dark jeans causing Quackity's mouth to dry.

Just because he hated the man didn't mean he couldn't find him attractive.


"We're just waiting on one other person. Is that alright?" Karl asks, eyeing Sapnap's outfit, heart thundering in his chest at how he had dressed up.


"You don't have to sound so disappointed."

"I just thought—" he started, shaking his head as he trailed off.

"This could still be a date," Karl pointed out. "You said you were open to polyamory and I think you'll like the other guy."

Sapnap stares at him a moment, trying to gather his thoughts on the subject before deciding that there was no harm in at least meeting the other guy.


There was a lot of harm.

Why did it have to be him?

Why Quackity of all people?

This was just his luck.


Karl watched as the two men slowly started to calm down, finally talking to one another.

He knew, of course, that they were roommates, that they hated each other, but he liked them both and wanted them to get along.

He figured that they probably just needed to talk things out.


At first, Quackity was furious that he'd been tricked into having a dinner with Sapnap, but once they started talking he found that the other man wasn't all that bad.

As it turns out, he was here on vacation because his two best friends got married and they felt bad for him and Quackity could kind of relate, his best friends Bad and Skeppy having gotten married not too long ago.

God that was an awkward couple of weeks.

Maybe Sapnap wasn't all that bad.


The three of them were cuddling, Sapnap and Quackity having pushed their beds together to make space.

"You know, you're not half bad," Sapnap whispers, turning towards Quackity, voice low so as not to wake up Karl who seemed content to be surrounded by the two of them.

"You're not so bad yourself," Quackity pointed out, reaching a hand over to grab Sapnap's.

The two boys fell asleep, smiles gracing both of their faces as the future seemed much brighter for the three of them.

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