The Oceanica Crystal Mission

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You and the others would arrive at the vampire outpost, ready to steal the crystal. It supplies the vampires with powers and abilities aswell as helps in damaging Safe Havens barrier. You look over at a visibly uncomfortable Zill, so you ask if he's alright as he responds by nodding, Kayla concerned but goes along, knowing his fear of vampires.

You guys begin to make your way towards the base, eventually coming face to face with the crystal. The inside of the base is dark and gloomy, with eyes all around with vines overrunning the place. Kayla goes up to it and picks it up.

"Alright.. I got it.."

She'd say only to get interrupted.

"Mhmmhmmmheheh.. And what do you think you're doing, sweetie?"

A tall vampire lady in the corner of the room says, swooping down, with a vampire fox following along. Zill recognizes her and her friend..

".. Venganza..."

Zill says, he's voice trembling.

"Long time no see, insect! How ya been?"

"Simon-.. Kayla we need to go no-"

"Now if I'm not mistaken, you're on our turf and I believe we're owed an apology. Heheh."

The vampire fox says in a threatening tone as Zill backs up. Simon would knock Zill over with his tail, then use it to pull him over, taking him hostage. Zill would try to yell out but Simon's tail was already covering his face as he watches in fear, trying to escape. Venganza would then take over now that they've got Zill.

"I would very much appreciate it if you would put that crystal back now, honey, before we have to use force hmm?"

Venganza would step forward, sizing up Kayla.

"Give him back and then we'll talk!"

Kayla yells while holding the crystal away from her.

While watching this you aim your rifle at Venganza while Cole backs up Kayla. You take the shot and in a split second Venganza would lean back, part of her arm bleeding as it would have sheered by.

Venganza in a rush would hurdle herself into Kayla and Cole, throwing them to the back wall, then grabbing the crystal, vanishing into mid air afterwords.

Cole trying to think fast would pick Kayla up by one arm and dash towards Zill, not even thinking.

As you watch from the corner of the room, you look behind yourself and see Venganza, leaning over you.

"Well, it looks like you need to help them  huh? Don't worry.. I can do so!"

She'd then pick you up as she dashes forward, then using her wings to stop herself mid air, you still flying forward, right into Cole and Kayla, smashing all three of you into a wall.



Zill shuffles trying to get out of Simon's grasp while this all happens. He's look concerned as can be but didn't give up. After a second, seeing Venganza hurt you three, he'd manage to get an arm out and would claw at Simon, forcing him to let go. With his now given freedom, Zill blasts Simon in the face, stunning him as he falls back.

"Get away from Kayla or I'll kill you!!"

He says literally dive bombing Venganza. He would struggle against her but manage to fly her into a wall. Thinking fast he shoots one of his green energy blasts at the ceiling, a chunk falling down and hitting her as Zill flies towards you, Kayla and Cole.

"Kayla! Are you guys alright!?"

Zill says, helping Kayla up.


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