Sahara's Introduction

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Sahara signed up to join the Safe Haven Cadets, all because she wanted to defend her friends, but what made her snap and do it was because she wanted to protect Damian after she found out he's what the enemies want.

About a week after she joined and went through some training, they settled on her using her magic as defense and offense. Sahara, finally done with this week's practice, would finally decide on going to home to get some rest.

On her way home she calls Kayla;

"Hey, Kayla? How is Zill holdin' up?"

"He's a bit better now.. I guess? I mean atleast he's brave enough to actually go out of the house and go to school. Hey, uhm.. Where have you been, Damian wanted me to ask."

"I uh.. Kinda joined Safe Havens Cadet course and joined.. But! I did it so I could protect Dame."

"Oh.. I mean I understand that, but isn't it a bit dangerous for you? You haven't exactly mastered your magic?"

"Well, I've been practicing and y’know what! I'd say I'm doing a purty good job!"

"I'm sure. Just.. Please be careful.."

"I will. Promise you that! I gotta go now but I'll see you later alright?"

"Right. Once again, be careful.. Goodnight, Sahara."

"Goodnight, Kay!"


Sahara and Kayla hangup.

Sahara goes up to her bedroom and sits on the edge of her bed, then laying back and looking at the ceiling.

"I hope I'm doing the right thing.. Nah.. I KNOW I'm doing the right thing. I gotchu guys.."

She says reassuring herself before eventually falling asleep.

- The Next Day -

Sahara walks into class, greeting everyone, but then joining Damian on the side of the stage.

"Hey, Dame. Ya feeling any better?"

"Pshh yeah, better than ever! Jack let me hang out with the group and during one of our conversions while we were talking, we kind went onto venting a little, me and Zill, and get this!"


"Kayla hugged us! Well.. For a second but like. Haha! See they do like me, I'm irresistible."

Damian says kind of sarcastically but still kind of giddy that he was part of the group. Actually recently they've grown a bit closer to Damian, close enough to a point where Kayla doesn't run away and Vanexa doesn't scoff everytime she sees his face.

Sahara continues on.

"Haha, sure!"

She rubs his hair playfully and he pushes back. They laugh a little and then look over the stage, seeing Jack set up his drum kit and Cole tuning his bass.

"So, Dame. Y’know how um.. You're kind of what the Oceanica is after right?"

"I- Yeah.."

"Well, I wasn't having any of that at all and y'wanna know what I did?"


Damian's ears perk up curiously as he looks at her.

"I joined the Cadets and now I can keep you out of trouble!"

"Really!? That's so cool!"


"So like.. You get to fight monsters and crap! Sweet!"

"Yah! We just gotta wait for trouble to come our way, but I was thinking, right?"

Damian nods.

"I was thinking that me and Kayla could form a club of people who want to fight against the monsters to protect Safe Haven!"

Sahara says confidently while leaning in excitedly.

"Ooo, can I join!"

"Well, I mean. You're kind of what we're protecting, but I don't see why not as long as you lookout for yourself."

"I will, promise! I'll just stick close to you and the others! How's that sound?"

"Sounds good to me!"

- After -

Sahara walks over to Kayla while she's putting some of her stuff in a locker.

"Hey, Kayla? I'm still trying form that club group thing, and wanted to ask if you'd be up?"

Kayla looks up at Sahara and finishes putting her stuff in the locker, closing the door and then thinking for a second.

"I don't see why not, hun. Are you thinking of registering it tonight? I mean we haven't really prepared unless you have something in mind."

"Well, tonight yeah, I'll talk to Zechariah about it. I have some rooms in mind and an idea of what to do with it."

"Alright well I trust you with this, alright. Just keep me updated."

"Will do!"

Sahara says, giving a salute as she walks backwards down the hall  turning around directly after and marching her way to the office.

"I'd like to scedchule a meeting with Zechariah today please. It's kinda important."



"Alright, then."

After the office lady looks around om the computer for a minute, she finally pulls it up and sees the scedchule.

"Does tonight at 7 work? He won't get bsck until then."

"I.. Yeah I'll take it!"

"Alright hun, you're scedchuled."


Sahara then walks out of the office and makes her way to film club.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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