That Night

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Zill gets home and still feels dizzy after the bite. It had been about 30 minutes since Kayla left and he is just about to go to bed.

Just then he fealt a headache come on. Zill lays down in bed and tries to ignore it, only to feel it surge through out his body, he didn't know what caused it but he'd stumble out of his room and into the bathroom, holding onto the counter for stability.

He feels a pain come from the vampire bite, so he'd quickly tear off the bandage to look at it, only to see it faintly glowing a dim red.

Zill reaches in to touch it but then falls to his hands and knees.

"Aahh!! What the!?-"

He then stares at his hands as they slowly turn to claws.

"W-wait! Nononono this isn't- No!-"

He stands up to look at himself in the mirror as he watches in horror as his front canines begin to grow.

"I-I'm turning into a v- N-No somebody help! Kayla! Ah!"

Zill falls forward as his wings practically force themselves out of his back, but this time instead of his normal green color, they're a dim red, similar to Venganza's.

"N-no! Stop!! Please!!"

He curls up as his eyes turn to a red.

Zill continues to hyperventilate, then gaining the courage to get up and look at himself. (Vampires can actually see themselves in mirrors in this universe, they just have the ability to make themselves invisible in reflections at will.)

"W-what.. No! I!- I'm not!"

He continues to deny his transformation as he looks at his reflection with despair.

"I'm a vampire.. I- N-no.. This.. This has to be a dream!! Please, wake up!!"

Zill holds his face in his now clawed hands, trying to act like it's not real, even though he secretly knows it is.

Zill would now have canines that stick out of his mouth, red eyes and red wings.


He'd say as he huddles up into a ball, leaning against the bathroom wall, looking at himself in the mirror on the other side of the room, now sobbing.

- The Next Day -

Damian would walk to school, wondering how the mission went. Walking into class to search for Zill, even though he could've gone to the other three, he wanted to bother Zill to see how it went.

There was no sign of him, so he went over to Kayla to ask where Zill was. As usual she would flinch and back up when he came over.

"Hey, Kayla, do you know where Zill is?"

"Eh.. No.. He's probably at home for today because he got hurt.. I was just about to call him, actually.. Why ask?"

"I was just curious how the mission went but now I'm even more interested.."

Damian says brandishing a grin. Kayla gives him a look, instantly making Damian cut it out. Deep inside Damian genuenly was concerned as he normally is.

Deep down Damian was tired of being a misfit, a monster, a loner. He really did want to be friends with them, and due to his recent encounters with people, he started to tone down on his antics. The main five including you and Cole have taken note of his behavior but aren't entirely sure if he's being honest.

Kayla steps aside and calls Zill.


Zill didn't answer.. He never turns down a call from Kayla..

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