Safe Havens Protectors

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Once They all got to the Safe Haven Scout base, Zill, Kayla, and Damian would enter their camp.

"Woah!! This place is freakin' cool!"

Damian said excited as he looked all around the forested area.

The area of the camp is a densely forested area to hide from what lies outside in the oceanica, but also to take covor from any threats. On the inside it is very open and well lit.
There were weapons and spears in a few chests and lots of shields. Like LOTS of shields.

"So uhhh... What now?"

Damian said, now completely bored. Zill then responding.

"Well we have to take orders for the mission, which you aren't a part of. Until then you can go and find Nix or Cole and talk to them while we prepare"

"Ughhhh fiiiine!.."

Damian walks off, leaving Zill and Kayla alone.

"Zill.. Is it really a good idea to let him come here? He's a demon and he's dangerous.."

Kayla tells Zill as he leans against a wall. Kayla would then continue.

"Like I get that Zechariah wanted us to give him a chance and all. That and protect him. But why here."

"I-..... Don't know honestly. I don't know... I guess I just wanted to let him get out for once.. He's always cooped up y’know, I thought it'd be a good break.. As long as he doesn't cause trouble..."

Kayla would nod, agreeing with Zill. She leans against the same wall as him and holds his hand.

"Zill.. You know I love you right.."

She'd say smiling at him, giving him a playful kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go get ready alright?"

"*Zill sighs happily and nods* Yeah.."

- That night, a meeting with the scouts would commence before the mission. Damian would be home by this time, leaving only Zill, Kayla, Cole, Nix at the camp for the mission. -

"Alright.. So as we all know.. It was revealed to be the vampires who are behind this whole raid. The vampires are behind this but why you may ask. Well after the investigation I have uncovored some.. disturbing stuff.."

Cole says, getting ready to explain the rest.

"Zechariah and the others broadcasted it so everyone knows, but the whole reason this is happening is because of something that's been going on for a while now..
The treatment of vampires, demons, and other creatures considered to be monsters, has been less than stellar... This has caused mass discrimination against them as a whole, driving them to having to survive out in the Oceanica with no other place to go."

Cole would pause, giving Kayla a chance to cut in.

"Wait so.. They want to take over Safe Haven as.. Revenge?..."

"Yes.. They want revenge.. For a good reason too.. But..
The main goal here is to take out as many vampire outposts as we can so we can to slow down and eventually stop these attacks. After we stop this, we can hopefully reason with them to create peace or strike a deal. Nix, go ahead.."

Cole passes the torch to you.

"We are going to raid an outpost tonight and steal one of the vampire's cursed crystals. These crystals allow them to cut through Safe Haven's force feild and create openings. Removing a crystal would prevent any attacks or raids from the specific area. So please... Let this work..."

You'd say, strapping your rifle to your bsck as you stand up, ready to move forward.

"Are we ready..?"

Everyone nods.

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