Fallen Angels🌧Part 1

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I thought of an idea finally! Quick explanation: Lucifer is having a breakdown and Alastor tries to calm him down, Lucifer then tries to commit suicide(in part 2 maybe)But in this chapter they're dating.Warnings: Mentions of blood, vomiting, self harm, suicide, and swearing.(btw in this oneshot Luci throws up when he's stressed or has a panic attack ☹️)

Lucifer's POV

I stood in front of my bedroom mirror, staring at myself in complete silence. I looked disgusting. My hair was all messy and tangled, I had really dark eye bags, and my arms had bruises and small cuts all over them. 'What am I doing.." I thought to myself as tears formed in my eyes causing my vision to become blurry. I sniffled while the tears fell on my cheeks and punched the mirror. The glass shattered and cut my hand a little. I whimpered at the pain. I fell against the wall onto the floor and pulled my knees to my chest. My soft cries turned into loud sobs. Nobody was in the hotel to hear me. Except Alastor. My hands shook uncontrollably as I covered my ears and continued to choke on my tears. I couldn't do this, I was fucking tired of this shit. Even if I did love Alastor I still loved Lilith. I missed her so much. I cried louder not caring weather or not Al could hear me. I didn't care at all. After 15 minutes of crying I just screamed. I screamed my heart out. It lasted for about a couple minutes till I heard a voice on the other side of the door. "Lucifer darling?"

Alastor's POV

I walked around the hotel looking around. It was much bigger and more organized now that we rebuilt it after the fight with Adam. The entrance was much bigger, there was more rooms for the guests, and there was lots of extra rooms. Everyone had gone out to do their own things for the weekend so it was just me and Lucifer. I grinned at the thought of him. He was absolutely beautiful. I immediately snapped out of my thoughts after hearing glass shattering. I didn't think too much about it because we always heard glass breaking outside. I walked up stairs to Lucifer's room to see what he was doing. He hadn't left his room all week so I just assumed he was sick. As I approached his room I heard a scream. It was followed by heart wrenching sobs. "Is he crying?.." I whispered to myself. I knocked on the door and said in a soft concerned voice, "Lucifer darling are you alright?" I heard shuffling on the other side of the door. Lucifer opened the door and looked up at me. His hands were shaking and his cheeks had tear stains on them. We stared at each other in silence for a while until I finally spoke. "Lucifer.." His eyes filled with tears and he fell onto the floor shaking. He cried his little angelic heart out. I sat down in front of him and pulled him into my arms rubbing his head soothingly. "Shh..it's okay dear." He cried even more and laid his head on my shoulder.

30 minutes later..

Lucifer's POV

I felt a bit better after a while of laying in Alastor's arms. We laid on the bed a couple minutes ago so we'd be more comfortable. I sniffled as I turned my back so I wasn't facing the radio demon. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and groaned softly in pain. I feel even worse now. I felt like I wanted to throw up. "You okay?" Alastor looked down at me, he was sat up reading a book. I nodded quickly but immediately gagged and sat up. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom connected to my room and slammed the door behind me. I crouched over the toilet and vomited, my stomach hurt so bad it felt like I had gotten stabbed. I was crouched over the toilet for about 5-10 before I finally finished. I slammed the lid down and flushed the toilet. I struggled a little to get up because of how dizzy I was, but I managed to get back to the bed. I sat on the bed carefully and stared at the broken mirror across from my bed. There was glass everywhere with little specks of blood on the wall. I looked away and laid down next to Alastor, who was looking at me with his face full of concern. "Do you feel alright dear?" Alastor spoke with a soft staticy voice. He grabbed my hand and gently kissed it. I just gave him a small smile and pulled a small blanket over me. Alastor pulled me into his arms once again and rubbed my back till I fell asleep. I buried my head into his chest and rested a little. I hadn't slept well in a while.

3rd Person POV

Alastor looked down at Lucifer who was calmly sleeping on his chest. Alastor smiled and kissed Lucifer on the forehead while he rested. He finally looked calm. Alastor held Lucifer closer to him and ran his fingers through the kings messy hair. After getting a couple knots out, Alastor whispered softly into Luci's ear with a calming voice "I love you Lucifer, I love you so much." He smiled and kissed the demon king again on his forehead. Little did he know that Lucifer had something planned, something devastating and heartbreaking.

He would this week, lose his only love.


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