Until Angels Close My Eyes🌧Part 2

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Part two of "Luci and Depression, which is now "Fallen Angels"! I'm not doing an explantion for this one bc its on part 1 and I wanna cause like suspense or smth idk. Warnings: Suicide attempt, swearing, mentions of blood and self harm, ANGSTTTTTTTTT. Enjoy sillies<3

Lucifers POV

I stood silently on the balcony, 14 floors up high. I look behind me into my room and see Alastor still sleeping. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked at the sleeping deer. If I did this he would never see me again. I would never see him again or Charlie. I sniffled as I quietly as I took my hat and jacket off and placed them neatly by the balcony door. I walked back into my room and kissed Alastor on his cheek, also placing a letter in his hands. "I love you Al I'm sorry my love.." I walked back out into the balcony, crying softly. Charlie would be alone again. I cried even more at the thought of Charlie. My little duckling wouldn't have me around anymore. But she would have Al...he can take care of her. He loves Charlie. I sighed and wiped my tears away with my sleeve. I chose to do this, no turning back. I climbed over the balcony trying not to make a noise, one leg already over the railing. "Finally, I won't have to deal with this anymore!" I smiled as I cried until I heard someone behind me shout, "LUCIFER!" I looked over to see Alastor with tears rolling down his face. I smiled,"I love you Alastor, take care if my princess for me..""NO!" I threw my other leg over the railing letting myself fall off the 14 floor high hotel. I heard Alastor scream my name as one of his tentacles reached to try and grab me before I fell to the ground. But it never touched me. I felt my head hit against the hard concrete, my vision becoming blurry and fuzzy. The last thing I heard was Alastor screaming my name.

I blacked out, not even realizing I had done the worst fucking thing in my life.

Alastor's POV

I stared in horror as I saw Lucifer on the ground. His angelic blood everywhere. I ran out of his room and ran downstairs as fast as I could, slamming the door open once I reached the last floor. I ran over to Lucifer and my legs felt weak, I fell onto the ground and grabbed him. "Darling don't leave me please don't leave me my love.." I choked on my own tears bearly being able to speak. He was covered in glowing angelic blood and his face was stained with tear stains. I cried even more, screaming once I realized if I had done something sooner he wouldn't have fell. I heard Charlie and the others coming outside, I looked over at them with teary eyes. "Alastor what happened?! What happened to my dad?!.." Charlie's voice shook as she came over to us and sat next to me on the ground. "Charlie I co-uldn't help yo-ur f-father I swear I tried!.." I choked on my tears again and held Lucifer closer to my chest. Charlie teared up and spoke "We can help him...we can help him right Al?.." I didn't speak. She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. "Charlie.." Vaggie came over and rested her hand on the princesses arm. I looked down at Luci, then up at everyone else. "Al what happened?" Angel Dust looked at me before kneeling down next to me and resting his hand on my shoulder. I looked away, I couldn't bear to look anyone in the eyes. I just wanted Luci back. I wanted to feel his soft silk lips on mine. I felt guilty. I didn't save him. I didn't save my own lover. In the moment, I just felt like killing myself as well.


Alastor's POV(still)

I laid Lucifer's unconscious body on his bed letting him rest. Hoping he would wake up. I noticed his mirror was broken, glass all over the floor. I grabbed the small trashcan Lucifer had by his desk and went over to the mess of glass. I carefully picked up each piece, trying not to cut myself. After I finished picking up the glass, I walked back over to his bed and sat next to him. Tears filled my eyes again just looking at him. I bent down, kissing his forehead, cheeks, lips, and his hand and palm. He would wake up soon, I know it. Or would he? The thought of it made me sob, ugly sobs. I quickly kissed him one last time and left his room shutting the door. I felt too guilty to look at him. Fuck me


EDIT: Okay so I did edit this bc it was kinda unfinished the first time but I might add more at some point. But yeahhhhh. I like it, it makes a bit more sense now. I'll also fix "Rest" at some point.

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