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So this oneshot was requested by @Ems_Mind !! They wanted some fluff(I'm more of a smut or angst kinda person...yea) Explanation: Lucifer has a lot of things he needs to do and ends up overworking himself while he's sick, Charlie notices this and tells Luci to take a break. Luci claims he doesn't need rest but Charlie insists and Alastor ends up helping Luci rest and get better. Sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm kinda rushing so I can write Pt 2 of "Luci and Depression" which I will change the name of at some point lol. Warnings: Swearing. Enjoyyy!(btw idk If it rains in hell...js go w it also there is slight angst. I LOVE ANGST)

Charlie's POV

Everyone sat in the lobby of the hotel talking, Husk and Angel were flirting, Nifty wasn't cleaning she was just calm today, Vaggie and me were relaxing, Alastor was reading. And my dad...well I just stared at him as he entered the hotel and ran up to his room carrying a bunch of papers. It was raining outside so the papers were wet and he was drenched in cold rain. I felt bad and immediately followed him up to his room. After walking almost 14 floors up to his room(sadly) I approached his bedroom door, I hesitated a bit before I knocked. "Come in!" I heard him yell from the other side of the room. I entered his room and shut the door behind me softly. I looked around and hell there was A LOT of papers. Mostly ducks. "Hey dad...are you okay?" I spoke in a soft voice and walked over to him sitting at his desk. He turned around and looked up at me. He looked sick! His nose was red and it seemed like he was trembling a bit."Charlie! Honey I'm fine just a little stressed but I'm okay!" I frowned. He turned back around and continued filling out his papers. But clearly he wasn't okay because his hands shook a bit while he tried to write. "Dad you need to rest.. it's not healthy for you to be overworking yourself. Sick or not" I said. He dropped his pen and turned around looking up at me. He sniffled a bit before he spoke,"Charlie don't worry about me I'm fine! It's just these papers need to be done soon.." his voice trailed off.  "Dad you need to rest. I'm gonna have Alastor take care of you for a while. I need to go do something."WHAT? No, Charlie I'm fine I can take care of myse-"Dad please?" I cut him off mid sentence and gave him a worried look. He sighed after a second and said, "I guess I could take a break.." I smiled and hugged him tight, he hugged back. I felt my arm getting a little wet. I broke the hug and looked down at my dad who was tearing up. "Dad? Are you okay?.." He looked up at me and smiled as he wiped away the tears. "Yes Char Char I'm fine." I smiled softly as I walked out of his room leaving him alone. Once I got downstairs I walked over to Alastor, who was reading. "Al can you do something for me?" The red haired demon looked up at me with his usual smiled. "Of course dear, anything for the princess!"Great! Can you take care of my dad while me and Vaggie go out? He's sick and I don't want to leave him alone." Alastor looked at me with one of his eyes twitching. "Excuse me?" I repeated what I had said to him. After 15 minutes of trying to convince him he finally gave up. Before he walked up to my dad's room I paused him "One more thing," he turned to look at me. "My dad seems a little upset right now, try not to piss him off alright?" He smiled and continued to walk upstairs. I hope they don't kill each other. 

Alastor's POV

As I approached the short kings door I heard violent coughing. Very violent coughs. I stood in front of the kings door for 3 minutes till I knocked on the door. There was shuffling on the other side of the door, then the door opened. "Hello dear how are you this fine morning!""Fuck off Bambi I'm busy." I walked past Lucifer and entered his room."I'm afraid I won't be doing that, Charlie has asked that I watch over you while she is out of the hotel." Lucifer groaned and shut the door as he walked back over to his desk and sat down. I sat next to him watching him fill out his papers, he sniffled a couple times and violently coughed a couple times. I offered him water a couple times but he refused.  I sat there watching as he continued to fill the papers. I noticed his cheeks were redder and the tip of his nose was pink."Luc-""I'm fine." I stared at him. This idiot clearly knew he wasn't 'fine'. I quickly kissed him on his head and sat back down immediately. He smiled a little. He leaned over from his chair and quickly pecked my nose.

56 minutes later...

After Lucifer had started filling out his 11th paper he dropped his pen and moaned softly. He held his hands on his stomach and threw his head on the desk softly. "Lucifer?""Hm?..""Are you alright dear?" The short king nodded and trembled as he got up and walked over to the bed. He laid himself down slowly and pulled a blanket over him."Alastor..""Yes mon amour?""I feel worse""I told you to rest deer, you didn't listen" I put my hand on one of his hands that was visibly shaking and rubbed it softly with my thumb. "Al what time is it?..""Don't worry about the time dear just rest. Are you sure you don't need anything?" Lucifer shook his head and smiled softly. "I'm fine Bambi, you can go n-" Lucifer coughed violently as he pulled his hand away from mine and covered his mouth. My ears fell down as I gave him a concerned look. "Lucifer I'm afraid I can't leave if your in this condition.""It's just a cough you fucking idiot." I covered him with another blanket since he seem cold and caressed his cheek with my thumb. I noticed he was falling asleep a while later and placed a gentle little peck on the back of his hand. "Rest my dear." I whispered softly in his ear and kissed his soft angelic lips, he smiled a little. I sat next to the sleeping king and pulled him into my arms carefully trying not to wake him up." you Al.."Lucifer mumbled in his sleep"I love you too Luci." I, myself fell asleep with Lucifer calmly sleeping in my arms not caring weather or not if someone walked in. He just needed some rest.

Edit: I rushed with this chapter so I added a couple more stuff!

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