16# Beautiful

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Lately, sleeping has been a hard task for me. The only thoughts I have when I try are memories from that day when I snapped. I've started to find myself disgusting for ruining those boy's lives, but what is done is done, and I can't take back my mistakes. And those mistakes have come to haunt me. 

But enough of this emo shit. Yesterday, Ajax and Xavier asked to hang out with me after our classes are finished. Of course, knowing me, I said yes. So here I am, shuffling around in my wardrobe, trying to pick an outfit to wear. Finally, I give up and pull out my baggy, blue cargo jeans, a belt, and an oversized hoodie. 

I walk towards the gate of Nevermore, holding and rubbing my arms. 

"It's so fucking freezing," I say.

'Why did they want to meet us here?'

"I don't know" As I walk, I step on a pile of wet leaves earning an unsatisfying slurp instead of a crunch. 

"Hey, Y/n." Ajax walks over to me and grabs my hand. 

"We've been waiting. How long can you take to get out of you're uniform." He jokes as he pulls me into the damp forests.

"I didn't take that long," 

"Jesus, you're freezing," He laughs a bit as he rubs his thumb over the back of my hand.

"It's not me, it's this fucking weather! Why does Jerico have to be so wet and cold." He just chuckles at this before pulling me onto a dirt path leading toward an old wooden shack. 

"I hope you're not gonna kidnap me," I say jokingly, earning a smirk from Ajax. We stop outside the cabin before Ajax, sadly, let's go of my hand and push the door open, letting me in.

As I step in, warm air hits my exposed skin, making me melt. The smell of paint and a fire sends me into a tranquil state as I look around, observing the inside of the little shed. The walls are made of nice-looking wood, but some patches are a different type. Someone obviously renovated this shack. Circling a stool sits many paintings, some of the same hideous creatures, some of the scenery, and some of... me.

My mouth falls open as I walk further into the shack, completely oblivious of the two boys watching from behind me. Slowly, I walk towards a specificly detailed painting of my face peacefully sleeping on what looks to be the shuttle to Jerico.

'How did he do all of these?' I take my time to take in all the details on every one of them.

"Do you like them?" Xaviers voice breaks me from a trance.

"These are... amazing, " I say quietly. I look up at him with a look of awe, words not forming in my mouth.

"Dude, what I'd do for a power like yours." Ajax walks and stands right behind me while Xavier stands in front of me. Both towering over my form. My cheeks flush a slight red as I notice.

"You know the school dance is coming up." I see Xavier shoot a glare at Ajax, but he continues.

"I was wondering..." He stops and  spins me around to face him. 

"Do you have a partner to go with?" I feel hands on my shoulders before I'm spinned back around.

"Because if you don't, you could go with me." Says Xavier, a smile sits on his face as he looks down at me.

"Acually, she was going to go with me, thanks." Ajax voices his thoughts.

"Acually, I'm not really a prom kinda girl." I say as I step away from all of them. They both look at me.



"I'm not a dancer." I say with a sympathetic smile.

After a lot of pleads from the two boys, they finally accepted that I'm going nowhere near the prom.

Sorry for not posting in forever!! My posting schedule is horrible, which you can probably tell.

Word  count: 670

❤️❤️ U

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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