Chapter 2:The Story of Sister Cheng

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I led the woman to the washbasin, asking her to first wash her hands. Then, I guided her to the statue of the ancestral master, where we lit three sticks of incense and handed them to her.

I asked her, "Sister Cheng, which deity do you usually worship?" The woman looked at me with a puzzled expression and said, "I mostly worship Guanyin Bodhisattva." I nodded in acknowledgment.

Then, I whispered into her ear, "Sister Cheng, respectfully offer these three sticks of incense to the ancestral master, then silently pray to Guanyin Bodhisattva, asking her to guide you on how to handle your affairs."

The woman nodded heavily. After offering the incense, she knelt before the statue of the ancestral master, silently praying and making a vow. Then she stood up and asked me, "What's next?"

I handed her the divination coins and said, "Just think about the issue you want to resolve, and then shake the coins." This time, the woman divined as I instructed, and I recorded the changes in the coins each time. After six times, the divination was complete.

I smiled and said, "Sister Cheng, sit for a while, have a drink of water, and I will interpret the divination for you." The woman sat across from me with a puzzled look on her face, watching me interpret the divination.

I quickly arranged the divination, added the six relatives, set the world response, and filled in the six gods. After all this was done, I looked up at the woman and said, "Sister Cheng, the divination is complete. What did you ask for?"

The woman's eyes darted around and she said, "I just want to know if I will go to jail..."

Hearing the woman say this, I chuckled because it was clear from the divination that she was not asking about this. Well then, she still doubts me, so I'll show her my skills.

With this in mind, I smiled and said, "How about this, Sister Cheng, you answer whatever I ask you, okay?" The woman nodded.

"Sister Cheng, according to the divination, you've had two abortions, right?" As soon as the woman heard this, her face turned red, but under my gaze, she shyly nodded.

"You have good fortune, you should be in the building materials business, there's a pond in front of your house... You have a health problem, your cervical spine is not good..." I interpreted the divination while looking at the woman, who was stunned and her mouth formed an 'O'.

After analyzing all this, I laughed and said, "Did I analyze it wrong?" The woman shook her head vigorously and said, "No, you got it all right, you really are a master, you even know the situation of my house, as if you've been there!"

I laughed heartily after hearing this, "Sister Cheng, this is nothing, a person who truly understands the I Ching can see all this from the divination, it's not a big deal."

"You're too modest," the woman said. The woman's praise made me feel a bit elated.

I took a sip of water and continued, "Sister Cheng, according to the divination, you don't have any risk of imprisonment, you'll just lose some money, which is not a big deal for you. But in the future, you should stop associating with your lover, it's not good for your family, for yourself, especially for your child..."

When the woman heard me say this, she knocked over the cup of water in front of her in a panic, "What? You saw that too, you really saw that I have a lover?"

As I wiped the water off the table, I said, "It's not that I saw it, did you tell me? How can you still not believe me?" The woman hurriedly said, "No, it's not that I don't believe you, I've asked several people to calculate it, but none of them figured it out, you..."

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