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Diary of a Dandere II

Submission 6 - June 30th, 12:11


It's been a month again, hasn't it? I keep taking too long to write, and even with the summer at our doorstep, I don't think I have much time today either...
It's annoying, I know.

At the moment we have these three days to work on next year's thesis. The thing is that we have to make up a subject and deliver it with the main question for the thesis before tomorrow 12:00. The last two days have been incredibly boring however, for I had to sit out a set of mind-numbing workshops and presentations.

Monday was horrible, although these days last only to 12:00, we had to listen to this guy who studied biology or phycology. Anyway, he is fasinated by, no, not some cute animal, but the brain. Oh yeah, so for our thesis, mine is about A.R.T (not bio!) we had to listen for two hours as he explained what function belongs to what part if the brain.
And all I could think was: what does this have to do with our thesis? Seriously?

Today we had a workshop about designing: fun, you'd think. All we did was write down short bursts of information on metro's on these tiny pink sticky notes, then stick them to a wall.
And what does that have to do with our thesis? Now? Can someone please tell me, because I think I missed something.

After the workshops, and the whole of tomorrow we have to work by ourselves, on our thesis (finally) but I fail to see the point of having to stay ad work on a computer that isn't your own, when you can work much better at home.
And because loads of people seem to think this as well, I was left on my own while everyone sneaked out of the building when teach wasn't looking.

I was stupid enough not to notice. And so I did stay, until 11:45, (instead of 12:00). If they can leave early, so can I.

I wonder how many people will suddenly disappear tomorrow. We have the whole morning to go after all, no more presentations and workshops to go to.
Some may even never show up...

Oh well, apart from that everything's fine! (⌒▽⌒) the holidays will soon start, and I am through to my last year! Yay! Exams! Nay!

As a note to add: congrats with a new hashtag girls&guys! #pride should become the word of the year, and I am proud to be part of it!

- dandere

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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