Drops and Classes

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Diary of a Dandere II

Submission 3 - Aug 21th, 23:02


Drops and Classes


I haven't got much to report... I got into roughly the same class as last year, same homeroom teacher, so nothing changed much. We have got these new lockers though. Electrical ones... Yah, very handy for us. If the electra shuts down, no one can get their books, so lessons would be a pain. I think I've just come up with quite the last year stunt.

It turns out 20 people from last year failed enough classes to not get into the 5th year, so we've lost quite some acquaintances and friends. The boy himedere from last year, for example.

We're already close to the end of the schoolweek. I've only got 2 classes tomorrow, 100mins per class. P.E. And Arts. - the best combination evah.

(。-_-。) Apart from that everything's fine enough. I dropped Biology, so the 2 most challenging subjects come down to Math and German.

I really can't do Mathematics... I'm horrible. German is fine as long as the teacher doesn't tell us that we have a test of 200-300 words, next week. I start confusing English, Dutch, French, Japanese ánd German on those tests, most of the time.

My schedule had some nice changes as well, I'm starting P.E. tomorrow at 12:30, but I've got no classes before that, so I can sleep in! *\(^o^)/* *trows torn pieces of colored paper in your face*

Well, that's about it!

See ya around!


Diary of a Dandere IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora