Chapter 3

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(Sorry for the front pic of the vid lol, I just like his version of "over the rainbow" better than most, but that's just my personal preference, it'll make sense as the story goes on :] )

       I enter the house with a sigh, I bandage my finger in the bathroom, while I will help any animal, seagulls are my least favorite. I look at the cut the blasted bird gave me, and wince as I put the antibiotic on it. I walk downstairs, as I do I think of the creature I helped. What was he? I mean, it could've been a female, I'm just guessing it's male. If I hadn't touched the thing myself I would've thought I was hallucinating. I sit down on the couch, Thunder joining me as I do. I pet him deep in thought.

I nearly jump out of my skin as the tv flashes on, making me yelp with surprise. I look around then realize I had sat on the remote, I roll my eyes at myself and just as I'm about to turn the tv off I hear a phrase that catches my attention. "Reports of mysterious creatures in the deep, are these just another pirate's tale? Or is the ocean finally revealing its secrets?" The female reporter asked into the microphone, as she does a picture that looks like the creature I saw flashes on screen "we have a scientist here with us to elaborate on these reports.." she starts, and a man I know all too well, Leland, or as he calls himself 'Silas' snatches it from her "I can assure you these reports are true, and we have a plan in motion to capture and contain these blood thirsty beasts, if you see one report it IMMEDIATELY! You will be rewarded a great some for your assistance.." he trails as the microphone is yanked back by the frustrated woman. "We aren't sure if these reports are true, but if they are, this could change HISTORY!" She says, I turn off the tv with a scowl. They shouldn't be reporting these creatures this early, we haven't even studied them yet! I think back to my encounter with the creature. He wasn't blood thirsty, sure he growled, but he didn't make any move to actually hurt me.

          I decided to take a walk to clear my head, i go to a beloved spot of mine, an overhang that looks over a coral reef. I sit down, dangling my legs over the edge, watching as the sun melts into the horizon. I smile softly, honestly I'm glad I live in this area, no one is around for miles, the nearest town is 30 minutes away. I sigh contentedly as I watch the sun's light fade, casting beautiful colors onto the water and clouds. I inhale, and sing softly
"Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dream of
Once in a lullaby, oh
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dreams that you dream of
Dreams really do come true-ooh-ooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops that's where
You'll find me, oh
Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to
Oh why, oh why can't I? I
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that's where you'll find me
Oh, somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to
Why, oh why can't I?"
I yawn, and stand, deciding to go home, I can see the moon, and I don't feel like being a buffet for mosquitoes tonight.


Huh... I will have to have soundwave watch this human femme. First she helps breakdown, without capturing him like those other humans did, what will she do next? I'll have to make sure the automers don't catch wind of her... she could be useful to us.

~time skip~

Y/n pov:

I feed the animals like usual, and decide to take a walk, most of the year I've been here has been crowded with work, so it would be nice to go exploring, haven't done that in awhile. I grab my bag and head out, towards a more grassy area instead of by the water. As I walk, the grass thins out, and becomes more sandy stone than grass. I tilt my head as I notice a cave that the water goes into, kinda like in those pirate movies. I walk in curiously, inside there is a large cave system, with a sandy island in the middle, it's small, but not so small that you can't stand on it. There are multiple holes in the ceiling of the cave, and I can see some bioluminescence in the water, for a split second I swear I saw the luminescent creatures flash of and on again, but that's not biologically possible. I turn away for a second and as I do, I am suddenly drug under the cold water with a yelp, but I soon pass out from lack of oxygen, my vision blurring as I close my eyes.

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