Chapter 8

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Optimus nods "miss y/n, were you hurt by Megatron or any of the decepticons?" He asked concerned, but I shake my head. This surprises most of them "really? Not at all?" The dark green one asked. I raise a brow "I mean, Starscream tried, but he hasn't tried since." I explained, leaving out the part where Megatron intervened. An orange and white merformer swims over and groans "really? Another one?" He asked the other mers just roll their eyes, and Optimus sighs.

"Ratchet, this is y/n, she was captured by the decepticons." Optimus explained calmly, and the mer just sighed "I see." He turned to me and raised a brow "I'm ratchet, medic of the automers." (Lord of the wrenches) Ratchet introduced himself bluntly.

      I nod in response, understanding why he wouldn't want to talk to a new comer, could be worse. Could be Starscream, or knockout with a scratched paint job. I have to hold back a chuckle at the thought. The yellow and black mer chirps at me, then Optimus, Optimus nods "ah yes, this is bumblebee, or bee for short. If it's alright, head like to show you around." He explained, I nod and smile a little. "Sure, I don't mind." I say, and not even a second after I'm done, bee picks me up and dives under the water, pointing around and chirping happily, I smile and nod, not understanding much but finding the display adorable.

        After he's done, he brings me to a small island in the middle of the cove, where two other automers are, the dark green one smiles at me hesitantly and the other give me a nod in greeting. "I'm bulkhead, and this is wheeljack." Bulkhead introduces himself and wheeljack politely and I smile, giving a wave in greeting. Wheeljack nods in greeting and as ratcheting passes by he smirks "hey doc-" he's quickly cut off with a wrench thrown at his head. "I TOLD YOU TO NOT CALL ME THAT" he snapped irritably, making me chuckle a little.

Wheeljack grumbled rubbing his head begrudgingly. And bee carried me to another section of the cove.

~time skip~

The automers want me to stay with them, since the Megatron knows where I live. They let me call my sister to take care of my animals, which I was relieved about.

      I watch as the three other humans talk with their charges, Jack had arcee, Miko had bulkhead, and raf had bumblebee. Optimus assigned me to wheeljack, we got along pretty well, but he's been acting off lately, though when I bring it up he brushes it off as just work stress.

     Currently I was waiting for him to pick me up since he said he was going to take me out today, I notice him swimming by and smile, "hey wheeljack, I'm ready to go when you are." I say but as I do he looks at me confused "what do you mean? Ready for what?" He asked genuinely confused, "you said you were going to take me out of the base today?" I say, raising a brow, but as I do, another wheeljack swims over "hey y/n! You ready-" he stops dead as he sees the other wheeljack, they both get in defensive stances. "What the? Why are there two of you??" Wheeljack 1 looks at me "he's an imposter! Optimus specifically said to NOT take you out of the base!" Wheeljack 1 growls, glaring at wheeljack 2. Before I can even react, wheeljack 2 grabs me and swims away, wheeljack 1 chasing him with a roar. The commotion catches the other mer's attention, Optimus also gives chase, but whoever holding me is to quick, a swirling green portal opens and as we rushed in it closed, I could hear Optimus yell in anger.

     On the other side of the portal we enter the familiar throne room, with none other than Megatron there to greet us.

(Sorry for the shorter chapter, they might start to be this way but I'll try hard to keep them their normal length, also tysm for 1k reads!! 💖💖🥹🥹)

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