Chapter 4

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I wake up groggily, my vision blurry, I see a flash of red and an almost British voice "hmm... the human appears to be waking from stasis." The male voice says in an almost bored tone, and a second voice chimes in "yeah..this is the one that helped me" the male's tone is gravelly but firm. I open my eyes fully and shoot up, looking around. "Oh goodness the doll is finally awake." The British voice belongs to a red creature, and by him is the large blue one I had helped. "Hmm a feisty human huh?" The red on says with a smirk, and the blue one rolls his eyes "come on knockout, go easy on her..." the dark blue one says in a low tone, the red on rolls his eyes "fine, fine. I'm knockout by the way, and this is breakdown." Knockout gestures to the dark blue one, I nod in understanding. "I'm y/n..." I introduce myself trying to keep my voice calm with all the stress I feel in the current Situation.

Knockout chuckles "a brave one i see, usually you fleshies scream at the sight of us." He says in a rather smug tone, i just tilt my head "and if you don't mind my asking what exactly ARE you?" I asked curiously "we are Merformers, specifically we are part of the faction called the deceptimers." Breakdown explained calmly and I nod as I take in the information "and might I say as the deceptimer's medic, you did a lovely job stitching up my friend here" knockout says, gesturing to breakdown.

        I smile a little "oh, thanks." As I say this a large grey Merformer swims in. He is much larger than knockout and even breakdown is small compared to him. "Ah lord Megatron." Knockout says the the large mer, I watch them silently "I see the little human has finally awoken." He growls in an almost disgusted as he glances at me. I raise a brow at the tone but remain silent "yes soundwave's venom lasted longer than expected on her, so we had to give her the anti venom to wake her" knockout explained to him, and he nods then turns to leave "see if it can be of any use to us." He growls then leaves. When he is gone knockout sighs, and I tilt my head " okay?" I asked him, concerned. He perks a little at the question and raises a brow "I'm fine human." He says indifferently, Breakdown raises a brow at his friend but doesn't say anything.

     As the day, or night at this point, goes on I sit on the counter, occasionally walking around or helping knockout with something. I watch breakdown buff knockout from time to time and I can't help but smile, they're such good friends. After awhile a skinny grey mer comes in, a red streak on his head, he raises a brow at me and sneers. "Who brought a pest like that in here?" He snaps in a screechy tone, knockout rolls his eyes, and turns to the mer "ah Starscream, you're back. And that is the human we have captured, to study and get information out of." Knockout says dismissively, Starscream rolls his eyes "what a foolish thing to do..." he growls as he glares at at me, and I just raise a brow in return. "What are you looking at fleshy?" He growls at me, "I could ask you the same." I say flatly, this catches knockout's attention, as Starscream gets infuriated at my response "how DARE you speak to me in that manner! I could kill you so easily-" he is cut off by me "do it" I say flatly. There is a shocked silence afterwards and Starscream pauses "what?" He seems confused, I raise a brow "I said, DO IT. Kill me if it's so easy." I say flatly, he gets a bit frustrated at this "I WOULD, but Megatron has given orders that you are to be kept alive, unfortunately." He growls and leans close to my face, I smirk a little and boop him right in the middle of his face. He freezes ".... What in primus name did you POKE me for?" He says annoyed and confused as he pulls his head back. I shrug "you get to close, you get booped." I say with a smirk. He pauses "what is a 'boop'?" He seems even more confused, I raise a brow "it's a human thing."

      "You humans are so pathetic, and such a weak species. You are mere insects compared to us!" Starscream preens, he's been at this for an hour now, and I'm so close to going off on him. "Honestly all you do is hurt yourselves by simply existing! Just pests really." He sneers as he leans on the counter by me, I sigh and knockout sends me a pity filled glance. "Is this what you do all the time" I asked Starscream as I raise a brow at him, he does the same "whatever do you mean?" He says in a smug tone, "talk down to others. You seem to do if a lot." I point out, a little annoyed. "Wha- how.. how dare you! I am simply stating the truth about your cursed species! But you can't seem to handle it!" I snaps at me in a fury, he picks me up and holds me close to his face with a snarl, but before he can do anything I'm ripped away from his grip.

    I look up and non other than Megatron had snatched me from the enraged mer. He growls deeply, silencing everyone in the room, Starscream cowers a bit at the noise. "You will NOT harm the human Starscream until her use has been fulfilled." He says firmly, then carries me out of the room, holding me firmly in his hand, if it weren't for the fact that he is glaring at me, I'd think he was trying to protect me.

    He carries me to what looks like a throne room, the throne is made of dead coral and rock. He sits down on in and places me on the arm rest, he doesn't look at me for awhile and I start to stare of into space, daydreaming. After awhile I can feel his eyes on me, burning into my back. "Why did you do that?" He growls at me, his tone annoyed. "Do what?" I asked back, confused. "Don't play dumb human, why did you ask Starscream to kill you?" He snarls at me, i flinch a little "I... didn't think he would actually try. I apologize." I say quietly, he growls lowly but leans back a little "do NOT do that again. He will kill you if he gets the chance, and we still have use of you. I don't want my new pet to be taken away so soon." He says flatly, glaring at me. And all I can think is 'excuse me?? PET?!'

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