The tutor & the flirty bad boy: Hongjoong

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Staring blankly is all I could do. Was this boomer for real? Ey no way he's asking me this. OK, let's think logically. It's not like he can force me into this shit. Just decline respectfully Y/N.

"Oh, and obviously this favor will not go unnoticed on your report card, miss Lee". Mr Park said, smiling brightly at me.

Omg. This sneaky old man... Just... WHY couldn't the dude be someone else?! From all the people at school, HE had to be the one?!

Fu*k it, I'll take the extra credit, thank u very much.

"Of course Mr Park, I will do my best in tutoring him" I answered, smiling.

"Good. He should be waiting at the library right now. I'll see you on Monday, miss Lee" The teacher said. I bid him goodbye before walking out of the classroom.


Currently, I'm standing in front of the library, staring intensely at the door, rethinking my life decisions. However, after the weird look I got from some students, I finally stepped into the large room before embarrassing myself any further.

The library isn't that large, I guess the schools budget wasn't budgeting. But, my God was it hard to find that bi*ch. Yeah, I FINALLY spotted him at the very corner of the room. And again, I am thinking about why the hell I accepted to do this.

"The things I do for a better reputation" I mumble quietly while rolling my eyes. Guess being a good student has its negative sides too. 

I walk towards the table, and sit down.

"Well, hello there" The guy says, a smirk visible on his face.

I stare at him for a second before looking away, taking out the books we'll need out of my backpack.

"Hi, so we can start with math and do some English on Monday" I say, not wasting any time, knowing he will start with the cheesy flirting if not.

"Starting off strong... I see, " He says, slightly biting the corner of his lip.

I give him a slightly disgusted expression clearly showing that I'm creeped out by this.

"Anyway," I say, opening the math book. However he suddenly stands up, coming towards me.

"EY, EY, what are you doing?" I confusedly ask as he sits down on the chair beside mine. However, with an innocent look he just answers:

"What? I need to see the stuff you're showing me".

"Mm..." I mumble, immediately starting after, not wasting any more time.

"Ok... let's start with the basics. On this question here, you have to sum up these numbers and then subtract it with this one. Therefore, 2+2=4 and minus 1, that's 3 (quick mats)....." I explain as time passes.

1 Hour later

"This means that x is -21 and y is 69. Do you get it?" I ask, turning my head to him. However, I meet his eyes that are intensely staring into mine. HAH, Of course he's not paying attention. What did you expect Y/N?

Suddenly, he reaches out to my hair, tucking the loose strand behind my ear. For a second, I'm flustered by his action. His dark brown orbs that are staring into my soul aren't helping the situation either.

Snap out of it Y/N!

"KIM HONGJOONG!" I scream suddenly, taking him and myself out of guard. I clear my throat, cheeks flushing red.

However, Hongjoong seems to enjoy this a little too much.

"Damn, my name sounds so hot out of your mouth" He rests his head on his hand, once again looking at me with the same smirk. 

"Omg, dude, just focus, yeah?" I say, smiling sarcastically, already done with this crap.

"Your wish is my command, cutie" He says as I roll my eyes.

"Ok, I will explain this one more time.... you get these answers, BECAUSE....." I start once again....

2 hours later

"And because of that, x is 7,9" I say, looking at him. This time he seems more focused, writing down what I just explained so he won't forget it. While doing so, I can't help but stare at him. His black hair is messy, but it strangely still looks really good on him. His skin looks so smooth that I want to touch it. His eyes are sharp, looking focused on what he's writing down while slightly biting his lower lip.

His lips

They look so kissable-

"Take a picture, it lasts longer" He suddenly says, giving me a teasing look. Waking up from my trance, I realize that I was staring at him.

Omg, ain't no way those thoughts belong to me

I was just about to make a savage remark when he suddenly comes closer. My breath hitches at the sudden proximity. His breath is fanning my face, our noses almost touching. It feels like my heart is about to jump out of my chest as his hand lands on my cheek, stroking it softly. I know that he's looking into my eyes, but I just can't make eye contact. I'm literally the definition of a statue right now.

However, before anything else could happen, the lights went off.

What the hell. 

This made me come back to my senses and push the dude. Maybe a bit too harshly.

"What even..." He groaned on the floor. I ignore him as I stand up, looking around the room. And soon I start to panic when I realize that no one is left in the library, except for us.

"Ain't. No. Fu*king. Way." I say, horrified. I run to the door as Hongjoong stands up.

I try opening it. Locked.

It's locked

Hongjoong also seems to get what's happening right now, as I hear his muffled curse. I run to him, grabbing his collar, shaking him aggressively.

"WHAT DO WE DO NOW!" I practically scream in his face.

"Calm down Y/N, we can call someone and they can open the door" Hongjoong gently pulled my hands off of his collar, immediately taking out his phone.

"Oh no..." He says, making me worry even more.

"WHAT" I ask him, he looks up at me before answering:

"I was playing on my phone while waiting for you, so.... my guy's dead..."

I walk towards my backpack, desperately searching for my phone.

Damn it, it's in my locker

"Nope. We're dead. DEAD" I say walking back and forth.

"Ok, the situation seems pretty bad, but we can just stay here for the night. The door will open tomorrow anyway" Hongjoong tried to calm me down.

I stop on my tracks. Is this guy for real? I'm gonna go nuts.

"Hongjoong, dear, WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY? I ask him sarcastically, and he seems to get what I mean pretty fast, his eyes widening.


Then I got an idea and turned to him:

"HEY, you're a bad boy, shouldn't you know some secret exit or whatever?" I ask him desperately. He facepalmed, saying:

"Y/N, just because people labeled me as a 'bad boy' does not mean that I actually am one, and being a bad boy does not equal knowing all the 'secret' ways of escaping".

Ok, then what now? There is no way we're staying here. HOW the HELL did they NOT notice us being here in the tiny ass library?!

As I was ranting in my head, the guy in front of me spoke up:

"I mean... at least we're all alone here, just the two of us" He says. Yeah, he's smirking AGAIN, as he slowly walks towards me, pressing my tiny figure against the bookshelf. Both of his hands beside my head, leaning close.

Oh God, this is not good.... ;)

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