Cheater: Yunho

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Yunho P.O.V

I take a sip from my excalibur limited edition black bean drink (I'm sorry lmao) as the neon lights hit my face.

More and more people get in their seats, ready to watch tonight's show. We're all just teenagers that come here to gather up, socialize, make music, dance and practically just have a good time.

Every now and then we have shows, where anyone can perform.

And, well, this happens to be one of them.

My life has been an absolute mess lately, but it's too late to change anything. Thus, here I am, alone with my sorry excuse for a drink.

Before I know it, the lights go off, meaning the show is starting. A few people start performing, and in a flash, an hour has gone by. As I was getting suffocated and wanted to get some fresh air, I suddenly see the girl I know all too well going on stage. I freeze in my spot as flashes of the past come into my mind.

Flashback (spongebob voice)

I can't believe my eyes, is this some sort of sick joke? Cause it must be my eyes f*cking with me as I see my mother with some random c*cksucker, his hands all over her and lips sucking her neck.

H*ll no. H*ll to the f*cking no.

I run up to them, literally tearing them apart, then turn to my mother.

"What in the hellish hell are you doing with this son of a b*tch?!" I scream in her face.

"Yunho, dear, just calm down. I'll explain everything" she says in a shaky voice, her face looking terrified.

"Mom?! I tought you said you were single AND childfree?!" the man was getting frustrated.

"No, honey, please calm down, I'll explain" mother turns to the man, trying to settle him down.

What the f*ck?

What the f*ck are they talking about right now?

Does she have no shame?

I can't stand looking at these people any longer, so I run away.

I go to the only place I can think of, the only place I can sort out all of my d*mn thoughts.

I go to the 'Lee's Treasuremap hangout place for teenagers', or for short: LTHPFT. (LMAO)

I burst through the doors, aggressively walking towards the studio me, Y/n and our best friend always hang out in.

I practically kick the door open, about to lose my sh*t completely, like more than I already have.

To my surprise, someone is already there.

Me and Y/n's shared friend, Soojin, sits calmly by the computer, doing whatever, I really don't care about her occupation right now.

She turns to look at me, a startled expression on her face.

"What's wrong Yunho?"

I sit beside her, staring at the wall.

Suddenly, she puts her hand on my upper thigh making me stare at her.

I don't know what got into me, but I grabbed her by her collar, and...

Kissed her.

It just happened. It didn't mean anything. Just need some distraction.

And she kissed back. Much more eager than me.

But next thing I know, the door opens.

Y/N stands there, looking at us with a horrified expression on her face.

I stand up quickly, pushing Soojin away.

"Baby, it's not what-" I start, but she cuts me off.

"Oh don't you dare start with that crap" she says, rasing her voice.

I walk up to her, not knowing what to say. Soojin appears next to me, looking very flustered. I don't know if it's because her best friend just caught us, or if it's because of the event from a few seconds ago.

Y/N looks at the both of us, pain evident in her eyes. But that quickly turns into fire, and she does something that I would expect her to do.

She slaps me.

And then Soojin.

When she's done, she speed walks away. I know that I sould run after her, but I know that everything is over and there is no point.

I lost her forever.


I wonder what would've happened if my emotions didn't take over me that day.

Would I be singing next to her?

As I hear the lyrics of the song, I know it's about us.

Suddenly, we make eye contact and it feels like the world stops.

It's just me and her.

But she breaks it off after a short moment, and I'm left with guilt and regret.

I wish you and me were meant to be.

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