part 6

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"Hey." Natalie's sleepy voice responded to her night call.

Clem smiled at the sound of her voice, she was aware they had been together earlier today, but she was still very excited to hear her speak again, "Hey. I'm sorry I couldn't call you earlier. My brother visited unexpectedly, so I didn't get a chance to call you before, sorry."

"That's okay." Natalie responded, comfortable in her own bed. She rubbed at her eyes, still groggy from her nap.

"Did I wake you?" Clementine asked.

"Yeah, but just in time to give Prince his dinner." Natalie replied, "I didn't know you had a brother." She responded.

"He's my younger brother, only brother. He's been stressed at school so he took some time off and came to visit me." Clem explained, tired from today's events.

"What's his name?"


"Another name with a C?" Natalie asked, finding it funny and perhaps unusual.

"Oh yeah, my mama liked that." She smiled in a bittersweet way, remembering her previous conversation with her brother, "My dad's called Charles, another C, and my mom was called Caroline... she liked the idea of all of us sharing the same initials."

"I C."

Clem laughed at her word play, "I told him about you." She blurted out, unsure if that was something you said to someone you weren't even dating... at least not yet.

"You did?" Natalie sounded like she was smiling at that, glad to hear it.

"Yes." Clem said, taking her glass of water from her night stand, taking a sip from it and putting it back where it was, "I told him about your work, too. Can I say something, but don't come at me if you're against it..."


"I think you should expose your work at a gallery. I could hook you up with someone I know." Clementine said, because ever since she had seen what Natalie was capable of, she thought it was a crime the world couldn't see it.

"A gallery?"

"You've never thought of it?"

Natalie frowned, feeling a bit against that idea since she was already so comfortable doing commissions and getting paid big bucks for them. It was way easier than being on the public eye, or having people criticize her work. "I have, but I'm not sure. That would require for me to work on a portfolio and it would be a whole thing..."

"Maybe, but you're talented." Clem responded, confident of what she was saying.

Natalie scoffed, "To some extent, but I'm nobody."

"You could be somebody."

"You think so?" Natalie asked, liking the idea that Clementine thought she could be as bright as that, but keeping her mouth shut whether she would do it or not.

"I think so. And I'm disappointed I didn't get to learn anything from you." The black haired doctor replied, because indeed she had gone to her apartment to learn how to paint... and ended up learning she was way more into women than she thought she was.

Natalie giggled, "That's because you seduced me."

"Hey! You were looking at my ass the whole time, and flirting." Clementine said, excusing herself. If she were truthful she would have just said what she thought: she wanted to touch Natalie since the first time their paths had crossed. It had been an instant attraction, some sort of spell had taken place in her life as Natalie did too.

"Okay yes, I am to blame as well." Natalie said, "You were looking way too good in that skirt."

"Ah huh, yeah sure."

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