Speaking Of Love

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It was around lunch period when I received a sudden visit from one of my students, Yukimura Keisei from Class-B. I put a stop on the lunch that I was indulging myself with and focused my attention on the student in front of her.

"Is there something you want to consult me with, Yukimura?"

"Y-Yeah, I think now is a good time."

I urged him to sit down on the couch, to which he did, but the nervous look on his face didn't fade away and remained intact.

Interesting, I wonder what he wants to talk about to be this anxious?

"Is this school-related?"

He shook his head.

Normally, students would come over to my office to talk about things regarding special exams or any school-related activities and topics, but seems like it won't be the case here.

"It's entirely different."

"Okay, I'm listening..."

He takes a deep breath as he mentally prepares himself.

"Someone confessed to me this morning..."

Confession, huh?"

Receiving romantic affection from an opposite sex is a normal thing within the boundaries of youth.

"That's good to hear, but is there any problem though?"

I can already tell the direction to which this is heading to. No one would probably find things like this to be problematic, but seeing his expression, the event must have had a negative impact on him.

"How do I say this? It's quite problematic, honestly. I uuuh... I already have a crush on someone. And the person who confessed to me happens to be a friend that I'm very close with."

A person close to Yukimura that can't be easily discarded as a nobody.

"That is... quite problematic indeed."

"W-What should I do?"

An unrequited love that he needs to go through. Pursuing love to someone else and responding to the feelings of this one person.

All I can do is offer him these words.

"Maybe you should understand how you truly feel first."

This is a personal matter for him to solve alone, and I have no part to play when it comes to his decision. Considering that he went out of his way to tell me all this means that he deemed me as someone trustworthy to talk with.

"Eventually, you're gonna have to choose one."

Which one is worth choosing? It's up to him to decide.

"I've been friends with this person starting around our first-year in the school..."

He began telling a story, starting from the side of the person who confessed to him.

"At first, she wasn't that interesting to me. A typical schoolmate that I never paid too much attention to, but the more time I spend with hem, the more I realize that I'm wanting treating them more than just a friend."

Oh, I see...

"Let me guess, the problem doesn't lie on the fact that you're afraid of your feelings for this friend of yours, but the fact that you're feelings for her are growing as intense as the ones you hold for your crush?"


It would be easy to confront ones feelings if they already have someone they like, but it's a different matter if you're slowly seeing them as an opposite sex.

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