New beginnings

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The moon hung low in the sky. Kabir hand found Nandini's, their fingers intertwining naturally, as if they were meant to fit together all along.

In the soft glow of the bedroom, Nandini and Kabir found themselves swaying to the rhythm of a melody that seemed to echo the beat of their hearts. The record player spun an old classic.

रूप तेरा मस्ताना, प्यार मेरा दीवाना
भूल कोई हमसे ना हो जाए

रात नशीली, मस्त समाँ है
आज नशे में सारा जहाँ है
रात नशीली, मस्त समाँ है
आज नशे में सारा जहाँ है

Its soulful tune filling the room with a timeless serenade. Kabir extended his hand, a silent invitation, and Nandini accepted with a smile that lit up her eyes. As they came together, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of them in their private universe. They moved in unison, Kabir leading with gentle confidence, Nandini following with graceful ease. The furniture became their audience, the flickering candles their spotlight. They danced through memories and dreams, each step a word in the story they were writing together.

And then it happened_______the sudden fall of rain. It began as a soft pitter-patter. But within moments it intensified, turning into a symphony of liquid notes.

Nandini's laughter turned into a gasp. She looked at wide eye towards Kabir. "Rain," she said her voice barely audible due to the downpours "it'sraining."

Kabir stood, pulling her up with him. The balcony offered no shelter; the raindrops danced around them, insistent and wild. Nandini's sari clung to her, the silk darkening as it absorbed the rain. Kabir's shirt was equally drenched, but he didn't care. His heart raced, matching the tempo of the storm.

Nandini," he said, his voice urgent, "come with me."

She followed him, their bare feet leaving wet footprints on the balcony tiles. Raindrops splashed against their faces, blurring their vision. But they didn't stop.

Kabir pulled Nandini into the center, spinning her like a dervish. Her laughter echoed, a melody that harmonized with the rain.

"Kabir," she shouted, "are we crazy?"

He twirled her again, their bodies brushing against each other. "Maybe," he replied, "but this is our madness."

Nandini's sari, still damp from their balcony dance, clung to her form. Kabir's shirt was equally soaked, but neither of them cared. They were lost in the magic of the moment-their hearts beating in sync with the raindrops.

The silk of Nandini's sari clung to her skin, its midnight-blue hue deepening with each passing second. Kabir watched her, captivated by the way the wet fabric outlined her curves. As the rain intensified, Nandini's laughter turned into a soft sigh. She reached for the pallu, the end of her sari, which had slipped over her shoulder. The golden threads of the intricate peacock design glistened, mirroring the raindrops.Nandini's sari clung to her like a second skin. The midnight-blue silk outlined every curve, revealing the delicate slope of her collarbone, the gentle swell of her waist. Rainwater slid down her cheeks, mixing with tears of joy. Her eyes held galaxies-the reflection of a thousand stars.

Kabir's shirt was equally drenched, the fabric molding to his chest. His hair, usually so meticulously styled, now hung in wet tendrils across his forehead. But he didn't care. His gaze was fixed on Nandini. Kabir held Nandini by her waist and pulled towards him. A gsap escaped from Nandini's mouth.


He held her chin and lift her face up. Nandini's eyes were closed due to the their proximity. His fingers brushed against her cheek, pushing a wet strand behind her ear. Nandini's eyes met his, dark pool reflecting the storm above.

"Nandini," Kabir whispered, "you are beautiful."

She blushed, her smile curving into a shy smile. "Even in the rain."

"Especially in the rain," he replied.

Nandini melting in his touch. Kabir's thumb traced the shell of her ear memorizing its delicate curves. Raindrop on her lashes forced to blink her lashes.


He didn't need to ask waht she meant. The rain has washed away their hesitation. Kabir leanes in, his lips brushing her forehead, Tasting the rain.

Nandini," kabir murmured, his breath warm against her ear, "do you believe in magic?"

She laughed, her eyes reflecting the moonlight. "In this moment," she replied, "I believe in us."

"Kabir," she whispered, "why did it take us so long?"

He twirled her again, their bodies brushing against each other. "Maybe," he said, "we needed the rain to wash away our doubts. Maybe we needed the moon to witness our love."

Nandini's fingers traced the contours of his face. "And what about forever?" she asked. "Can we promise that?"

Kabir dipped her low, their lips inches apart. "Forever," he vowed, "is a dance we'll learn together. Step by step, raindrop by raindrop."

And then, under the moonlight, they kissed-a kiss that tasted of longing and surrender. The world disappeared, leaving only their hearts beating in unison. The rain became their confidante, whispering secrets of eternity.

Kabir carried Nandini to his room in bridal style. Laying her down on the bed, he started to unbuttoned his shirt. Nandini felt warm rushing to her cheeks, turning them crimson. Kabir laid over her body. The proximity between them forced Nandini's lashes to close. Kabir said

"Nandini, eyes on me."

Nandini opened her eyes, with shame and fear held in them. But love for kabir overpowered her every fear and shame. Kabir slowly unwrapped her sari and threw it on the floor. Nandini felt timid and put her both hands covering her chest.

Kabir: "if you don't want this, we can stop right now and i swear nothing will change between us."

Hearing his words, Nandini's eyes held tears. She immediately opened her arms and welcomed Kabir with love. Kabir taking this as an invitation, dipped her face in her neck.

That night Kabir and Nandini lost themselves to each other. The rooms walls, furniture and the rain were the witness of their love and moans.


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