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The sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Nandini stirred, her eyes fluttering open. The memories of last night flooded back-the rain, the confession, and the passionate kisses shared with Kabir. She turned her head and found him still asleep beside her, his dark hair tousled, and a contented smile playing on his lips. Nandini slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him. She tip toed to washroom and removed the tshirt of Kabir which she wore last night. Her body was painted with colour of love____Kabir's love. Her body was smelling of him, she could still feel his touch, as if he is still inside her. The pain in her body was unbearable but love bites were acting like a balm on her body. After taking a good shower and doing morning business, she came out of bathroom towel wrapped around her body. She entered the walk-in-closet and started searching for few clothes of Kabir, which could fit her. finally, she took out a white shirt and a black shorts.

Nandini's heart raced as Kabir's arms encircled her waist. The warmth of his touch sent shivers down her spine. The fabric clung to her skin, carrying the faint scent of his cologne. The air in the walk-in closet seemed charged with anticipation.

Kabir's breath tickled her neck as he pressed closer. His lips brushed against her skin, and she felt her resolve waver. The question that had been lingering in her mind now demanded an answer. She turned to face him, her eyes searching his.

"Kabir," she began, her voice barely a whisper, "Are we doing this because of last night? or is there something more.?"

She was scared "what if Kabir will again hurt her feelings? what if she gets nothing but only tears and grief from this?"

Kabir pulled her in front. Her face collided with his chest. Her eyes held tears. Kabir also cane out of the bathroom, white towel wrapped snugly around his torso. His wet hair clung to his forehead, droplets tracing a path down his neck. His dark eyes bore into hers, and for a moment, the world outside ceased to exist. "Nandini." His lips met hers, and the kiss was both tender and urgent. It held promises of shared laughter, whispered secrets, and lazy Sunday mornings. Nandini's doubts melted away, replaced by a fierce longing. She clung to him, lost in the intoxicating blend of desire and uncertainty.

As they pulled apart, Kabir rested his forehead against hers. "Nandini," he said, pulling her shirt down her shoulder, he caressed the marks on her neck.

Nandini leaned into his touch, her doubts fading like morning mist."what do we do now?"

kabir grinned, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Well," he said, "we could start by making this closet our favorite hiding place." And just like that, the walk-in closet transformed into their sanctuary-a place where love bloomed amidst borrowed clothes and whispered confessions.


Kabir stopped the car near the jungle, opened the gate for Nandini, and carefully removed her blindfold. Kabir led Nandini to a hidden paradise-a place untouched by the chaos of the city. The journey had been an adventure in itself-trekking through dense foliage, crossing babbling streams, and following the distant sound of rushing water.

And then, they arrived.

Before them stood a magnificent waterfall, its crystal-clear cascade tumbling down from the cliffs above. Sunlight danced on the water, creating rainbows that seemed to bridge heaven and earth.

Nandini's heart swelled. "Kabir," she whispered, "this is-"

"Our place," he finished. "Our secret haven."

He took her hand and led her to the water's edge. Their reflections wavered in the pool, two souls drawn together by fate. Kabir's eyes held a thousand promises-the kind that transcended time and space. He traced the outline of his jaw, his fingers trembling.

Kabir knelt, his eyes never leaving hers. "Nandini," he murmured, "will you be my forever? Will you marry me?"

Nandini's breath caught. The waterfall roared, drowning out her doubts. She looked into Kabir's eyes-their depths revealing vulnerability and strength-and knew that this was her moment of truth.

"Yes," she said, her voice echoing through the alcove. "Yes, Kabir, a thousand times yes."

He slipped a ring onto her finger-a delicate band of silver and moonstone. It glimmered like the waterfall, promising eternity. And as their lips met, the world blurred-the forest, the waterfall, the very fabric of reality-until there was only Kabir and Nandini, bound by love and the magic of their hidden sanctuary.

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