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It truly was a normal day in Fontaine, the people carried on and strived after the events of the prophecy. Monsieur Neuvillette was busy preparing for the upcoming trails that were to be held soon and because of this the Chief Justice was forced to work extra for the last several days. A few of the people who work in the Palais Mermonia had noticed the work life of Monsieur Neuvillette. They knew this wasn't new and that there was a lot to be done after the resent events but many couldn't help but worry about their Iudex.

The only people brave enough to event express their worries were the sweet melusines. It was interesting, the humans who worked there seemed almost too afraid of saying anything to the Iudex. It was their fault per-say, but it was mostly due to the fact that Monsieur Neuvillette had become quite stubborn and almost short tempered. So maybe it wasn't a surprise that the melusines, those who've know Neuvillette the longest, didn't hesitate to express their concerns. For the past week it was the same song and dance.

On one particular evening a citizen begged and pleaded not guilty after the trail went the other way. The person was escorted out quickly and the evidence was placed in custody.

Afterwards of that trial Monsieur Neuvillette headed back to his office like usual and looked over the evidence and case one last time. Although it was clear on what happen it best to be sue that everything was looked over one last time before putting it away.

As Neuvillette opened the box containing the evidence the first thing he saw was a hand mirror, one many use to fix hair or make up with. The design was simple but it had a unique pattern around the frame. It true was one of a kind.

He set the mirror down and looks over the other stuff. It must have been longer than he thought because by the time he was putting things away it was dark out.

"Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor.."

The voice filled the silent room and cause Neuvillette to look around for the source. Thinking it was nothing he continued to cleaning up around his desk.

"My proud, beautiful flower of evil."

"You truly are the fairest of them all."

Neuvillette rubs his head, he really did start to consider taking their advice. Maybe he really was working too much and he know started to hear voices. Neuvillette forced him self to push the thoughts away.

"O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entrust.."

"Reveal unto me the visage that I seek.."

"You, who image the dark mirror did beckon forth.."

Now he really must have been going crazy. The voice persisted and the only thing that caught his attention was the word mirror.

Neuvillette looked around his office and spotted the mirror that was in evidence. He picked it up and it glowed softly. A figure could be seen in the reflection almost reaching out.

"If your heart bids it, take the hand of the one who reflects in the mirror."

Neuvillette found himself looking at the mirror confused. Without any thinking his other hand reached out to touch the surface of the mirror.

"As flame reduces even the stars to ash.."

"As ice seals away even time itself.."

"As great trees even swallow the sky.."

"Now- demonstrate your power"

The mirror glowed brighter and it figured was almost clear. Not even seconds later Neuvillette vision turned to darkness.

"To me."

"To them."

"To yourself."

"The hour grows long, and time is scares.."

"Keep steady your grip, no matter what may come..."

Hey guys so this is the prologue of this story.

I've kinda been wanting to write for a while now and I finally caved.

I do plan on having some love interest, those bing the older members of NRC like the staff, Lilia and maybe Leona. If people think we don't need love interest then I can get rid of that too. 

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