Prologue Chapter 6

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"If I find out about what Ace?" Crowley says as he walks up to the mess of a chandelier.

Neuvillette picked up Grim and stud near the two boys ready to face judgement. It wasn't something he was used to, being guilty for something and then getting in trouble for it.

"Ah! Ah ah..Headmage..Crowley.." Ace said as he steps back just a bit. Crowley looked at Ace then to Neuvillette who had Grim in his arms.

"YOU THREE AGAIN?! What have you done?" Crowley scolded as he looked at the shattered chandelier. Grim grumbles and wiggles a bit in Neuvillette's arms.

"So burning the statue wasn't enough huh? Now you've destroyed a chandelier!" Crowley glared at all of them. "Enough, I you're all expelled!"

"Whaaat?!" Ace and Deuce both yell in sync. Neuvillette held a stoic expression, as he heard his verdict. He tried to think of ways to defend them, to defend at least Deuce. Deuce had barely done anything, and had only tried to help on his account. Deuce now looked ready to get on his hands and knees to beg.

"Headmage please! Give me another shot! I can't get expelled! I need to be here!" Deuce said as he pleaded with Crowley.

"Blame yourself for your own foolish behaviour." Crowley says.

"please! I'll pay for the damages!"

"The chandelier is no easy fix." Crowley said with his arms crossed. "The chandelier has magic infused candles that burn for eternity. It was created by a legendary artificer. Possibly their finest creation. It was here since the beginning and I'd imagine it would stay until the end. And because of this I would estimate it worth being around a billion thuamarks." After speaking Crowley sighed.

Ace, Deuce and Neuvillette looked at Crowley with wide eyes and shocked faces. Neuvillette turned to Deuce who looked like he was really panicking.

"Hey..I'm sure with your..magical talent you could snap your fingers and fix it right up!" Ace says trying to cheer up and lighten the mood.

"Even magic has its limits." Crowley says flatly. "Further more it's magestone, the hurt of any artifact, is cracked. A magestone is also hard to replace. I fear that the fire of the magical candles may never burn again..."

Neuvillette thought of possibly solutions and ways that they could keep the role as students here. He knew that they didn't mean to break the chandelier but that didn't change that it was broken and might never work again.

Both Ace and Deuce sigh and mumble about the unfortunate outcome Neuvillette finally spoke.

"Excuse me Crowley sir, but if there a way we could replace the magestone? If the stone is used so much there should be a way we could get one of our own." Neuvillette offered and looked at Crowley ready to challenge the verdict.

"Well, now that you mention it, there might be a sliver of a chance..." Crowley said as he thought about what Neuvillette said.

The two boys looked up with happy shock hearing that there still might be a chance to save themselves.

"The magestone used to power the statue was mined from the Dwarf mines." Crowley says. "If you find a stone with similar qualities then there's a chance to fix the chandelier."

"Then I'll go find that stone!" Deuce said eager to save his spot as student.

"I should caution you, there might not be any Magestones left to find. The mines were closed and it's presumed that all the magestones are gone."

"I'll go, I'll do what ever it takes to avoid expulsion!"

"Then I'll suspend your expulsion for one night." Crowley says as he send the boys off to find the stone. "You should be able to go straight there with the magic mirrors."

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